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Thread: This guy looks like a moron now

  1. #21
    Legendary Rat HOFer vince's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    At no point does he say Rodgers is a bad player or anything like that.
    Partial, the lengths to which your brain goes to block out, misfile, misunderstand and make nonsense out of that which is not in alignment with your preconceived opinions is truly amazing. What a powerful ego you have.

  2. #22
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    One foot in my grave.
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    He said he's fragile.. He did get hurt last year, in addition to every other year he's been in the league. Sure, he played through it, but will he be able to stay healthy next year? Maybe, maybe not.
    By that analysis, Brett Favre was fragile too. In how many years was he injured, but played through it?? Most of them, by my recollection. Being injured at some point in the season does not mean you are fragile.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Patler
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    He said he's fragile.. He did get hurt last year, in addition to every other year he's been in the league. Sure, he played through it, but will he be able to stay healthy next year? Maybe, maybe not.
    By that analysis, Brett Favre was fragile too. In how many years was he injured, but played through it?? Most of them, by my recollection. Being injured at some point in the season does not mean you are fragile.

    These days I think he's more emotionally fragile. The dude cries more than Dick Vermeil watching Old Yeller.

  4. #24
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by cpk1994
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    I guess I don't see how he's that far off point.

    He said he's fragile.. He did get hurt last year, in addition to every other year he's been in the league. Sure, he played through it, but will he be able to stay healthy next year? Maybe, maybe not.

    He also said the Pack was a contender in 2007, and wouldn't be in 2008 with Rodgers. They weren't in 2008 with Rodgers.

    With that said, his wording is a poorly chosen. At no point does he say Rodgers is a bad player or anything like that. He simply implies the Packers 2008 season will be a disaster, and it was.
    He said "Rodgers would be a bust in 2008". Did you miss that part? Also he implied Rodgers would be the reason they wouldn't be a contender. Rodgers wasn't the problem. The length you continue to go to bash Rodgers is getting down right pathetic.
    Well.. how was he not? Quarterbacks are ultimately judged on wins and losses, not pretty stats in the middle of the field.

  5. #25
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by Patler
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    He said he's fragile.. He did get hurt last year, in addition to every other year he's been in the league. Sure, he played through it, but will he be able to stay healthy next year? Maybe, maybe not.
    By that analysis, Brett Favre was fragile too. In how many years was he injured, but played through it?? Most of them, by my recollection. Being injured at some point in the season does not mean you are fragile.
    Agreed, but this was prior to last season, when he showed a remarkable ability to hurt himself :P . So far, he's made it through one season. Hopefully he can do it again.

  6. #26
    Actually, you've missed the dude's whole point. He was trying to say that the Packers would absolutely suck because they made a horrible mistake in not handing Brett the starting gig back. That the team would suck because it was not led by Brett Favre, but as been posted a million times already, Favre was not statistically better. The Jets imploded at the end of the season and their win/loss record had far more to do with their QB than our record had to do with ours. Therefore, yes, the guy is a moron. If you bring up injury and their record at the beginning of the season, I will remind you that a true leader would have sat himself down when it became apparent that his injury was affecting the bottom line of the team. I wonder if that's why a certain coach lost his job...???
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    If you bring up injury and their record at the beginning of the season, I will remind you that a true leader would have sat himself down when it became apparent that his injury was affecting the bottom line of the team. I wonder if that's why a certain coach lost his job...???

    The streak was more important than Mangini.

  8. #28
    Legendary Rat HOFer vince's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quarterbacks are ultimately judged on wins and losses, not pretty stats in the middle of the field.
    Aaron Rodgers is only effective in the middle of the field? Are you suggesting he can't put the ball in the end zone? Where in the hell do you get this stuff and how can you possibly believe it to be true? I don't think I've ever seen a more appropriate avatar than yours with that guy who babbles on and on and on like a broken record. Is your entire persona some kind of ruse I'm not hip to? The Rogue Rat? You know what that means I assume...

    Only three quarterbacks in the league put the ball in the end zone through the air more than Rodgers did lin his first year starting last year. Only effective in the middle of the field? Rigth. Can't put the ball in the endzone? Right. He also ran for 4 TDs himself.

    Inside the red zone, he threw for 19 TDs and 0 INTs. Yes a big fat goose egg. Oh, and that comprehensive quarterback efficiency statistic you conveniently use when it suits your opinion, and dismiss when it doesn't...Rodgers' QB rating was 106.8 inside the opponent's 20 yard line.

    Only effective in the middle of the field I tell ya. The power of the ego at work...

    Yup, the Packers were 6-10 last year. Therefore, Aaron Rodgers is only effective in the middle of the field and can't get the ball in the end zone.

    You're still in school aren't you P? You need to take a course in logic my friend.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by vince
    I don't think I've ever seen a more appropriate avatar than yours with that guy who babbles on and on and on like a broken record. Is your entire persona some kind of ruse I'm not hip to? The Rogue Rat? You know what that means I assume...

    I assume he's still just upset about the whole Brett fiasco.

  10. #30
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    Partial has been talking about how irreplaceable Favre was and how there was no way a 25 year old (never started a game) QB could come in and lead a comparable offense with the same players. He argued over and over there was no way the Packers would choose Rodgers over Favre. When it happened he swore they were ruining their franchise (pretty much the same stuff this guy said in the vid)

    Rodgers (in his first games ever starting in the NFL) came out and lead a comparable offense.

    Now, he hangs on the last little shred of hate he can. He says Rodgers only throws to the outside, said he can't throw over the middle of the field. He says it, but he's never proven it. It's just something he says that allows him to not accept reality.

    The reality is that first year Rodgers is as good as recent Favre (better now). He can't admit that to himself. I wouldn't take offense to it. Partial isn't enough of a man to admit (to himself) when he's wrong. Every time you see him beating his dead horse, feel bad for him because it's his weakness. Think of it as him squirming because everyone except him knows he's full of shit.

  11. #31
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    I've never seen a QB get more love for leading a losing team. You guys are such homers.

    Remember, Rex Grossman led the league in games with QB rating above 100+ too. Stats do NOT tell the entire story about a player.

  12. #32
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    I've never seen a QB get more love for leading a losing team. You guys are such homers.

    Remember, Rex Grossman led the league in games with QB rating above 100+ too. Stats do NOT tell the entire story about a player.
    He went to the SB that year

  13. #33
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    You still think Rodgers is not the real deal, huh Parsh?

    Well, you and LEWCA can have that corner. It's going to be awfully lonely awfully quick.

  14. #34
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I will remind you that a true leader would have sat himself down when it became apparent that his injury was affecting the bottom line of the team. I wonder if that's why a certain coach lost his job...???

    What a load of homeristic bullshit; gosh do you really believe this ?

    For years we glorified the guy for playing though pain; celebrated the Giants TD when he comes running off the bench. Celebrate his often success when he was far below 100%. When he lost those games we didn't hammer him to death for not realizing he was "hurting the team" by playing with pain. Like an athlete has that ability. That's a coaches call.

    Now we ream him for playing with pain and expect him to magically realize it's apparent he's hurting the team. Gimme a frickin break.


    Frickin Absolutely homeristically Unbelievable
    LIFE IS ABOUT CHAMPIONSHIPS; I JUST REALIZED THIS. The MILWAUKEE BUCKS have won the same number of championships over the past 50 years as the Green Bay Packers. Ten years from now, who will have more championships, and who will be the fart in the wind ?

  15. #35
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by JustinHarrell
    You still think Rodgers is not the real deal, huh Parsh?

    Well, you and LEWCA can have that corner. It's going to be awfully lonely awfully quick.
    Not the real deal? He's certainly not a top 5 quarterback imo. Most people in the world aren't. Define real deal. I think he's the 14-16 best starting QB in the NFL right now. Could get better, could get worse. He has an unbelievable amount of talent around him right now, and it will undoubtedly be significantly worse in the future.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Patler
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    He said he's fragile.. He did get hurt last year, in addition to every other year he's been in the league. Sure, he played through it, but will he be able to stay healthy next year? Maybe, maybe not.
    By that analysis, Brett Favre was fragile too. In how many years was he injured, but played through it?? Most of them, by my recollection. Being injured at some point in the season does not mean you are fragile.
    Exactly. Every player in the NFL is hurt at some point in the season. Nobody in the NFl goes thru a season healthy. They are playing football.

    Fuck, every year we have someone explain the difference tween being hurt and being injured.

  17. #37
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quote Originally Posted by JustinHarrell
    You still think Rodgers is not the real deal, huh Parsh?

    Well, you and LEWCA can have that corner. It's going to be awfully lonely awfully quick.
    Not the real deal? He's certainly not a top 5 quarterback imo. Most people in the world aren't. Define real deal. I think he's the 14-16 best starting QB in the NFL right now. Could get better, could get worse. He has an unbelievable amount of talent around him right now, and it will undoubtedly be significantly worse in the future.

    I'd definitely put Rogers top 12; possibly top 10 with current performance.

    That is not taking into account looking into the future
    LIFE IS ABOUT CHAMPIONSHIPS; I JUST REALIZED THIS. The MILWAUKEE BUCKS have won the same number of championships over the past 50 years as the Green Bay Packers. Ten years from now, who will have more championships, and who will be the fart in the wind ?

  18. #38
    Legendary Rat HOFer vince's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    I've never seen a QB get more love for leading a losing team. You guys are such homers.

    Remember, Rex Grossman led the league in games with QB rating above 100+ too. Stats do NOT tell the entire story about a player.
    Figure it out Partial. The defense of Rodgers is due almost exclusively to your nonsensical statements designed to undermine his performance.

    Then you keep throwing more nonsensical logic to protect a fragile ego over the possibility of being wrong.

    Has it occurred to you that those defending Rodgers are placing the bulk of the blame (yes, blame is being placed on the Packers) where it actually deserves to be placed - on the defense and special teams, and to some extent on injuries to key defenders! Yes, those are the PACKER defense and special teams!!! But us homers would never criticize the team, would we....

    Actually, I have now figured it out! Partial, you are actually Aaron Rodgers' brother or work for his agent and you are consistently spewing lies disguised as ignorance about him in order to motivate fans to do the research about his actual performance in order to crystalize and grow fan support in Rodgers' favor! Now that's sheer brilliance - and a highly effective strategy. Well done sir.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by JustinHarrell
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    I've never seen a QB get more love for leading a losing team. You guys are such homers.

    Remember, Rex Grossman led the league in games with QB rating above 100+ too. Stats do NOT tell the entire story about a player.
    He went to the SB that year

    Stats don't matter, only winning does...except when you lead your team to the Superbowl...then the stats clearly show that....well, my head is exploding.

    So, if Arod had shitty stats and lead us to the SB..then it would be the result of everybody else..the team won despite Arod.

    If Arod had great stats and lead us to the SB...proves nothing, cause stats don't mean anything.

    If Arod had great stats and we don't get to the playoffs/SB....IT PROVES EVERYTHING.

    If Arod had poor stats and we dont' get to the playoffs/SB...IT PROVES EVERYTHING.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    I've never seen a QB get more love for leading a losing team. You guys are such homers.

    Remember, Rex Grossman led the league in games with QB rating above 100+ too. Stats do NOT tell the entire story about a player.
    Quarterbacks are ultimately judged on wins and losses, not pretty stats in the middle of the field.
    Brain exploding.

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