Quote Originally Posted by ND72
Hey guys...thanks for the vote of confidence here. I agree with the one post on here earlier, non of us know what is going on, and i'm sure right now, neither does any one sitting in Lambeau. In NFL hours, it is seriously just too far away to honestly know what anyone is doing. espeically with people still working people out, the Jets could still make that trade up to #2, and so on. Here's my question that i asked on that page and no body responded to. I hear the Texans bringing in guys, i hear the Titans bringing in guys...where are the packers? are they bringing in any of hte rookies into Lambeau?
This is a pretty tight group in here ND and you fit in well with the knowledge and stuff you come up with. Next time post the rumors first in here plz and you'll get some good responses.

There is another poster, I think Atown, who also posts rumors that are shot down over there.

Even if not completely true, we like debating them anyways.
