Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
I'm not going to need to travel with the thing. It needs to be able to get to the coffee shop and such, but I won't be traveling with it or taking it to work. We use Dells at work and the IT person told me not to get one for home use as I would like to get more than 3 years out of it and they seem to have something that decides to break after 3 years every time.
I think if you want to get 3+ years out of it, you'll need some quality hardware. You _might_ get that out of a dell xps laptop, I've heard a few success stores on that and I've had one myself for 1.5 years. I also got a great deal on it.

As for sure bets, I would go with a lenovo or apple. My dad's business uses idea/thinkpads and they last a long time (3-4 years easily). They only reason they've been getting new ones is because a good deal comes along.

Apple and Lenovo are sure best to last a damn long time. Dell is kinda hit or miss, but xps lapops are usually better quality.