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Thread: great beers

  1. #41
    nope, it hasn't changed. i got it on ebay from someone who bought it at the abby

    theres people that buy what they can and sell it to americans for huge profits

  2. #42
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Land of the midnight sun
    Quote Originally Posted by red
    nope, it hasn't changed. i got it on ebay from someone who bought it at the abby

    theres people that buy what they can and sell it to americans for huge profits
    Those are fantastic beers man...I've had them and brought some home...still have one in fact.....

    Had a Ichtegems Flemish Red Grand Cru the other night here and it was fantastic...not sure if you are into sours yet.

    The Duchesse is fantastic as well.

  3. #43
    Cheese & Beer Rat All-Pro MichiganPackerFan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by red
    Quote Originally Posted by Zool
    Quote Originally Posted by red
    Quote Originally Posted by Zool
    Its kinda generic, but i really like Hoegaarden.
    i love hoegaarden, i had it for the first time a few weeks ago. have you ever had celis white? its suppose to be a lot like it. even brewed by the same guy
    I havent but I will be looking for it now.
    its brewed in michigan, i think around grand rapids. soo it should be easier to find then hoegaarden. but i haven't been able to find it
    Just moved from Grand Rapids. Three GREAT breweries there.
    New Holland

    Having a long day at work. These pictures really helped!


    New Holland


  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    Quote Originally Posted by red
    nope, it hasn't changed. i got it on ebay from someone who bought it at the abby

    theres people that buy what they can and sell it to americans for huge profits
    Those are fantastic beers man...I've had them and brought some home...still have one in fact.....

    Had a Ichtegems Flemish Red Grand Cru the other night here and it was fantastic...not sure if you are into sours yet.

    The Duchesse is fantastic as well.
    have you tried all three of the westie beers freak?

    if so, which was your favorite?

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by MichiganPackerFan
    Quote Originally Posted by red
    Quote Originally Posted by Zool
    Quote Originally Posted by red
    Quote Originally Posted by Zool
    Its kinda generic, but i really like Hoegaarden.
    i love hoegaarden, i had it for the first time a few weeks ago. have you ever had celis white? its suppose to be a lot like it. even brewed by the same guy
    I havent but I will be looking for it now.
    its brewed in michigan, i think around grand rapids. soo it should be easier to find then hoegaarden. but i haven't been able to find it
    Just moved from Grand Rapids. Three GREAT breweries there.
    New Holland
    where exactly is founders? is that by the big GVSU building? i have been wanting to try them for awhile but haven't yet

    i pretty much grew up on bells, having gone to western. oberon is still a must for me. i bought a 6 of hopslam though, and i couldn't drink it. way too spicy for me, i still have 5 bottles in the fridge

  6. #46
    Rat Starter pasquale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichiganPackerFan
    Quote Originally Posted by red
    Quote Originally Posted by Zool
    Quote Originally Posted by red
    Quote Originally Posted by Zool
    Its kinda generic, but i really like Hoegaarden.
    i love hoegaarden, i had it for the first time a few weeks ago. have you ever had celis white? its suppose to be a lot like it. even brewed by the same guy
    I havent but I will be looking for it now.
    its brewed in michigan, i think around grand rapids. soo it should be easier to find then hoegaarden. but i haven't been able to find it
    Just moved from Grand Rapids. Three GREAT breweries there.
    New Holland

    Having a long day at work. These pictures really helped!


    New Holland

    I'm glad you brought up Bell's and New Holland. Those are probably 2 of 3 favorites of easily available craft breweries. Believe it or not, my friends dad owned a Brewery, and he's friends with the owner of Bell's.

    We grew up stealing his dad's beer and bells out of the giant freezer they had. Good times. Oberon and Hopslam are insanely good. Just don't fall for their annual Imperial stout, it changes every year and it's way overpriced from the hype. Last few years that I've had it, it's been awful.

    Not sure if anyone mentioned it, but Left Hand out of CO is a great Brewery. Their imperial stout is very good.

    There's obviously better beers/breweries, but I see these breweries at most liquor stores.

  7. #47
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Anyone have that horny goat stuff? I hear its pretty good, and the old "pump house" that my buddy bar tended at was converted to the horny goat brewery.

  8. #48
    Rat Starter pasquale's Avatar
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    I've tried the horny goat. I really wasn't a fan of the wheat, but I didn't try anything else. Can't judge a brewer by one of his beers.

  9. #49
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    One foot in my grave.
    I recently went into a relatively new liquor store not far from me. They have a "mix your own" six pack deal, with a selection of about 150 different beers nicely grouped into International beers, US beers and local beers. The fun part is to pick up one of each variety from a single brewery, then compare them. I've started to keep a notebook of my impressions of each (Ya, I do stats on beers, too!). I just finished a six-pack of six different "Lake Louie" beers. I had also four from Lagunitas, three TommyKockers and a bunch of individuals.

    I found a few I really liked, such as Dinkel Acker "Dark" and "Contorter Porter". A nice change of pace beer was "Woody Creek White" from Flying Dog Brewery. It is made with bitter orange peel and coriander, and has a very distinct citrus taste. Very good on a hot summer day.

    The only one I really disliked so far was TommyKocker's "Butthead". It had a very nice initial taste, but a long and bitter aftertaste. I may pick up one more bottle just to be sure it wasn't something other than the beer itself, because initially I really kind of liked it.

    Now I have to go back through all your recommendations here, and see how many I can find!

  10. #50
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    One foot in my grave.
    Quote Originally Posted by red
    Quote Originally Posted by HowardRoark
    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Woodson
    so what do you all think is the best cheap beer?
    I discovered early on that cheap beer sucks and that it's ten times better to drink one or two bottles of a really good most likely expensive beer than a sixer or a case of shit. be an extreme beer snob. You'll save money, keep off the weight, and you will enjoy the hell out of your beer.
    On your recommendation, I had my brother, who lives in Toledo, pick up a couple six packs of

    to bring back to me over Christmas. Unfortunately, he left them on his table. He tells me they were good.

    I agree with the Point Beer suggestion for cheap beer.

    Of course, there always is Grain Belt too.
    i've had one of their beers before, not the EF, but something like burning river or so. it was way too hop spicy for me
    Try Great Lakes' "Elliot Ness". It's an amber lager that I found quite refreshing.

  11. #51
    Okie Rat All-Pro sooner6600's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tips on great tasting beer.

    However here in Oklahoma; strong beer; 6% or more is sold warm
    in the liquor stores, near the windows.

    Good news; no Bud, Miller, or Coors. That is sold at 3.2% at the
    stop and robs.

    So I can only afford cheap beer such as Lost Lake and Pigs Eye.

    Any thoughts? Are they steill in business or is my Liquor Store
    selling distressed beer?


    Good News; I get to have a Linie Dark Ale every once in a while.

  12. #52
    westvleteren 12 and 8

    i can now officially say


  13. #53
    the westies are both great beers, and i can see where the hype comes from

    but if i had to choice right now i would say that i prefer the westmalle double over the westvleterens, or even the konigs hoeven quad

    its just me though, i prefer the taste of those a little bit more

  14. #54
    I'll just stick with basic Chimay.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  15. #55

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I'll just stick with basic Chimay.
    top notch beers there ziggy

    and to tell the truth, not much difference between those and the $30 a bottle westvleterens

    i could drink chimay every night

  17. #57
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Land of the midnight sun
    Check out the new Berserker label....I was throwing an axe like that last night.

    Amazing of my all time favorites.

  18. #58
    I have been enjoying "Shock Top" here lately. Even found it on tap in a few bars. I guess Anheuser Busch bought them out awhile ago, still a good beer.

    Shock Top Belgian White
    Introduced: Originally as seasonal beer Spring Heat Spiced Wheat in 2006, year-round as Shock Top in 2007
    Beer Style:
    Belgian-style wheat ale
    As an unfiltered Belgian-style wheat ale, this beer is naturally cloudy with a light golden color.
    Brewed with orange, lemon and lime peels and coriander.
    Food Pairings:
    Shock Top Belgian White pairs well with fresh salads, chicken dishes and Asian cuisine.
    Glassware Suggestions:
    The beer is best enjoyed in a tall, wide-mouthed glass. To serve the brew perfectly, follow these pouring guidelines. Pour the brew down the side of the glass until about one-half inch of brew is left in the bottle. Lay the bottle on its side and roll it gently back and forth, mixing the remaining yeast that has settled at the bottom. Pour the rest of the brew, producing a nice, thick collar oF foam.
    North American Beer Awards (NABA) – Belgian Wit (White) category - 2006 Gold (entered as Spring Heat Spiced Wheat)
    North American Beer Awards (NABA) – Belgian Wit (White) category - 2007 Bronze (entered as Spring Heat Spiced Wheat)
    Bright Yellow-Gold
    Wheat, Two-Row Barley
    12.7 Original Gravity Medium-Bodied with a Smooth, Citrus Mouth feel
    Cascade, Willamette International Bitterness Unit 20
    I dont understand why Sam Adams Boston Lager is so highly rated. Nasty stuff if you ask me. I do really like Sam Adams Light. Pretty much the only light beer I can stand and its only 120 calories.

    I enjoy Fat Tire as well, which is now a Miller product I guess.

    Pisses me off that the big beer companies have gone out and bought up all these micro breweries and are now planning on raising prices!

  19. #59
    This talk of Monks brewing beer reminded of one of the best beer experiences I have ever had. A monastery in Salzburg. Go in and pick out your litre mug out of a cleaning bin and get it fresh out of the wooden barrel.

    Twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays, we deliver our Augustiner beer direct to your door in the Salzburg city region – free of charge from as little as one crate of beer!
    ....that's too bad about Fat Tire being bought out, that was an old skiing favorite back in the day. Also, Freak Out, that stuff looks really good, they need to deliver down here twice a week.
    After lunch the players lounged about the hotel patio watching the surf fling white plumes high against the darkening sky. Clouds were piling up in the west… Vince Lombardi frowned.

  20. #60
    {ilr]3]I have been enjoying "Shock Top" here lately. Even found it on tap in a few bars. I guess Anheuser Busch bought them out awhile ago, still a good beer.
    i bought a 6 of that once

    honestly didn't care for it at all

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