Well well well, this sure makes a lot of sense now, doesn't it?


MAY 2007

According to 2 separate sources, their opinion is that if Favre plays well this season (2007) then he’ll return for another year but it will NOT be with the Green Bay Packers. If Favre doesn’t play up to his own expectations, he’ll walk away from the game, to his tractor in Hattiesburg and ultimately to that anticipated day when he slips on that gold jacket and unveils his bronze bust on the historic stage in Canton.
Enjoy this year Packers fans, this appears to truly be Favre’s last hurrah. Question, if the Packers finish the 2007 campaign 11-5 and play deep in to January, would that convince #4 to don the green and gold once again? We’ll have to wait and see.

channel 4 (WTMJ) out of Milwaukee on the news last night(Tuesday)
They said that Brett Favre called MM and told him this is his last year with the Packers, because he doesn't care for TT. They said that Favre said he will either retire at the end of the season, or if he has a good year he wants to be traded.
Now......i have NO idea how they got this info. I can't see MM telling ANYONE if he got this kind of call from Favre.
This was on the Milwaukee Journal TV station, so I don't know WHY they would throw this out unless they had some GREAT inside source.

So this would lend into my theory that he has wanted to play in MIN since 2007. This would also lead me to believe that his initial retirement was fake.