Quote Originally Posted by red
Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
That's right....don't ever throw it away. Transfer it to another carboy or cask and let it work it's magic.

One of best beers I've ever had was a dopplebock gone bad.
cam you save it at that point?

i thought the sugers were destroyed and the yeast was all dead by then

will the bacteria die off and restore some flavor?

i'll pass on the lambic, no thanks
The yeast should be there, and dormant, but you're right, they probably won't do anything else at this point. Allowing the beer to mellow and let the taste of the grains and hops come through is what you're going to do if you hold on to it. The only batch I ever had to pour out was one that had a sulfur taste, and it just wasn't going to get any better. Tasted like a burnt match.

Unless you need the bottles or space, I'd say just see what happens. Open another one in a month and see!