Recently, Bretsky started a thread in the GC about members who no longer post here, that are missed. I thought that was a great idea, and have read who each of you miss.

I didn't know some of them, I have gone back and read posts in the archive. Some of them it seems just wandered off, but others, left for a reason.

We can't be everything to everyone, but it'd be nice to at least know why that member moved on. I have been considering trying to find out, but don't have a relationship with most/all of these people.

Some of you do. If you're interested in reaching out to these "former" members, I will provide you with their registered email address here. Please note, that address can only be used for this purpose! You have to agree to not give it to anyone for any other reason!

Personal data is just that, and it needs to stay personal, ie. - site use ONLY.

If you're interested in helping, here's the list. Maybe we can compile a list of reasons and see if they make sense. Some of them we might be able to fix. I do know that we are considered "elitist" by other sites and not very welcoming of new members. I'm sure we lost a "bunch" of people over this. These folks are mostly well established, so it's probably not that, but should be interesting to hear the real reasons.

PIP...Pack in Patland
Madtown Packer
Deputy Nutz
GreenDay from JSO?... (did he ever register here?)
Harlan Huckleby
Mazzin (isn't she here occasionally?)
b bulldog
jack's smirking revenge
4 and 12 (? not sure, no user by this name?)

Feel free to add any additional members, post here or PM me if you're interested in reaching out like Bretsky offered. I think we'll only have one person approach them for now, we don't want to badger them.... lol

Thanks! Joe.