Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
My facebook is limited to friends and I only friend the people I know so there are just a couple people who can get me at both. The vast majority cannot get me on FB.
i made my original comment in regards to what people actually get from this place that they can't get from PFT.com and FB as alternatives. i have been using what started as a JSO packer forum/letters to the editor then PR since 95' and a lot has changed in that time that has made these packer forums less interesting versus the alternatives. there are a handful of poster profiles here that i enjoy exchanging banter with, and truth is, if i were actually friends on the other site with all of those posters i wouldn't come here at all. so, your initial comment is spot on, i do come here for the conversation with certain personalities that i am not getting elsewhere, but it's rarely packer talk and it's not nearly as vocal as it is for me at the other place. and if my exodus from this place for what was about a year and a half is any indicator, my meanlingelss convos here are good, but not so good that i can't get by without them. i can only speak for myself, but i wouldn't be shocked if others that have left may feel similar about what PR was for them.