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Thread: DROY brian cushing busted for roids

  1. #41
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax
    My sources (well, actually one guy) says that the somewhat informed speculation on Sosa was that he was originally a creatine guy. I am not trying to suggest that makes him different that anyone else, nor am I making the case that he has never done anything else.

    But this source, who knows creatine use through a certain NCAA Div 1 football program says that this is the accepted guess about what Sammy was using as he got bigger initially. Something about his physical appearance made them think this. Although, now that he has gone pale, that guess may have changed.

    Track guys used to guess who was using by looking for physical symptoms. Ben Johnson's yellowed eyes made other sprinters suspicious in Seoul.
    creatine may have wet sosa's appetitie for something more to keep his strength and weight gains rising. but there's no way creatine by itself took him to where he ended up. everyone's body makes and uses creatine. it comes most often from your meat protein sources if not ingested in powder or pill form. your highest energy output system, ATP-PC, the explosive, short burst energy that will only last for a handful of seconds before crapping out, uses that creatine to reharge this cycle. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is broken down for this explosive energy. what is left over is ADP (adenosine diphosphate). ADP during your immediate rest period after the work combines with PC (phosphocreatine) to reform ATP and get you ready for that next burst. full recharge cycle time for this is about 6 minutes of rest. this is everyone's body and how it operates everyday, no matter if you are an athlete or a mathlete.

    additional levels of creatine added to what you already have will allow for extra energy during these bouts of high intensity. you will not necessarily be able to last longer but your power output will increase in this same time. however, and anyone that has used creatine knows this, this output will translate into no more than a few extra reps with that same weight you were already doing. these extra reps may mean a ten pound gain on top of your current strength numbers almost immediately. but that is where it ends. this extra boost in the first 2-3 weeks of use is the only one you'll get and you are right back to square one (now that you are cycling extra creatine) with this little strength increase being back to normal as you plod along looking for a little more each day. you do NOT get any more instant jumps like this. worse yet, reducing these additional doses of creatine LOWERS your power output backwards to your normal levels. becuase of this creatine is actually considered fairly ineffective for those outside of competitive powerlifting (where total weight lifted matters) for someone to actually get a big help from it. prolonged use of too much creatine can strain the kidneys, also makes you retain a lot of water. creatine is the gift that does not keep on giving.

    physical signs that you are taking extra creatine? pretty hard to see any, other than some potential water weight gain that can make you look a little bit bulkier, but this is as instantaneous as those strength gains and does not continue to elevate. and in the end, if you start eating a lot more meat sources you will get this additonal creatine anyway. only other noticeable signs are that your wallet is smaller than it used to be while you aren't actually much bigger.

    HMB on the other hand (hydroxymethylbutyrate) is the legal gift that keeps on giving. gives a creatine type boost in the first couple weeks and continues to push you a little ahead of the pace as week go by. getting off HMB does NOT have you losing anything by way of gains. i wouldn't be surprised of some jackass puts it on a banned list one day, it certainly enhances strength and size performance beyond normal levels, but without any dangerous side effects.

  2. #42
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Sosa in 1990
    'Sosa was traded to the White Sox on July 29, 1989, in a deal that brought Harold Baines to Texas. Sosa was unimpressive in parts of three seasons on the South Side, hitting only 28 home runs, before getting dealt the Cubs for George Bell.'

    he totalled 33 hrs from 90-92' in 336 games.

    1993 alone had him hitting 33 hrs in 159 games.

    the following 12 (including 93') years had him hitting almost 550 hrs at a staggering near 46 hr per year average.

    numbers are pretty damning towards some artifical help as his batting average in his first 6 seasons was .244, hitting 41 hrs in 452 games. 93' it was only .261, hitting 33 hrs in 159 games.

  3. #43
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    'beta-Hydroxy beta-methylbutyric acid
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    (Redirected from HMB)

    β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyric acid (HMB), or β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate, is a metabolite of the essential amino acid leucine and is synthesized in the human body. It plays a part in protein synthesis and was discovered by Dr. Steven L. Nissen at Iowa State University. It has been used in scientific studies to purportedly increase muscle mass and decrease muscle breakdown. However, Nissen held the original patent on the metabolite as a nutritional supplement. It was discovered in pigs and small quantities can also be found in grapefruit, alfalfa, and catfish. As a supplement it is usually sold as a calcium salt.[2]

    Research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology has shown that HMB may have an effect on increasing muscle weight and strength.[3] A review in Nutrition & Metabolism provides an in depth and objective analysis of HMB research. [4] The same study lists as HMBs proposed mechanisms of action the following:

    Increased sarcolemmal integrity via conversion to HMG-CoA
    Enhanced protein synthesis via the mTOR pathway
    Depression of protein degradation through inhibition of the ubiquitin pathway
    Three grams of HMB per day may help muscles combat protein breakdown, assist in muscle repair and support increased endurance. Studies suggest its benefits may be greater for the untrained. Also, well-controlled scientific studies have found increases in muscle mass and decreases in body fat in 70 year old men. It has helped patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in hospital intensive care units, muscle wasting associated with HIV or AIDS and with cancer, and trauma victims with severe injuries.[citation needed]

    The human body produces about 0.2-0.4 grams per day. Standard doses in research studies have been 1.5 to 3.0 grams per day, usually divided into two doses.'

    As i said, HMB works very well. everyone i have come into contact with that has tried it has gotten at the minimum good, and for some, incredible strength gains in the first 2-3 weeks. while production tapers after this, it still stays ahead of their normal, non-use performance. getting off HMB has yet to show in these same people i know ANY signs of loss or regression to strength. getting back on it has shown a smaller than the initial, but still noticeable boost of this same strength. it appears the most effective non-steroid i have yet to come across. biggest downfall is that it is expensive to produce, so it can be too expensive for some people to take at levels to show this improvement. we're talking no less than about $2.30 per for each lifting day you would use it, at the minimum. the levels i am referring to equate to 2 grams of HMB, only taken on a lifting day, one hour before lifting with about 20 oz of water.

  4. #44
    Cushing today denied taking ANYTHING on the banned list.

    He has basically said the testing process failed and that he must produce this stuff naturally. He also said he spent the year worrying he had a tumor (which under some circumstances promotes the production of HCG). Of course, he failed to detail the examinations he underwent to alleviate his concern over cancer. Or the date he was found to be free of tumors.

    I doubt there is much the NFL can do given the confidentiality constraints of the testing. But I will not be unhappy if he is caught with his hand in the cookie jar again.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  5. #45
    Barbershop Rat HOFer Pugger's Avatar
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    If Cushing got caught cheating why was he still eligible to win the award on this second go-around?? To me this whole re-vote is a joke if the guy who cheated was not removed from consideration.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugger
    If Cushing got caught cheating why was he still eligible to win the award on this second go-around?? To me this whole re-vote is a joke if the guy who cheated was not removed from consideration.
    It was poorly thought out and ended up having both the AP staff who administer the thing and the writers themselves looking for the other make a statement.

    The writers didn't want to re-vote on limited notice (2 days) or thought he should be ineligible. The AP wanted to writers to determine whether this would be disqualifying or not. He ended up winning because many writers voted the same as a protest of the re-vote. One more example that once you say "we need to do something", you usually end up doing something dumb.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  7. #47
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugger
    If Cushing got caught cheating why was he still eligible to win the award on this second go-around?? To me this whole re-vote is a joke if the guy who cheated was not removed from consideration.
    It was poorly thought out and ended up having both the AP staff who administer the thing and the writers themselves looking for the other make a statement.

    The writers didn't want to re-vote on limited notice (2 days) or thought he should be ineligible. The AP wanted to writers to determine whether this would be disqualifying or not. He ended up winning because many writers voted the same as a protest of the re-vote. One more example that once you say "we need to do something", you usually end up doing something dumb.
    those writers are pompous idiots. one of them actually changed a vote from Byrd to Cushing just to show that he didn't like the process. these self-righteous key bangers live to crucify athletes that step out of line and break the rules. so what was this protest crap? the kid is now spinning some bullshit story about thinking a tumor caused his levels to be off, because they're the only other thing aside from an injection that could be the culprit. so he had a tumor,a tumor he never decided to have treatment for as he was playing football all year long. pathetic. another role model.

  8. #48
    IMO, those ap voters need to be removed from their duties

    what a crock

    sorry guys but the NFL is turning into one giant joke

  9. #49
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    want a good laugh, follow the link. get your waders on.

  10. #50
    Geriatric Rat All-Pro
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    Don't blame Crusty! On the re-vote, I selected Darcel McBath.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    want a good laugh, follow the link. get your waders on.
    Someone, the first week of camp when he hits the podium again, needs to ask two questions:

    1. Did you have any tumors discovered?

    2. Did the tests you said you were going to undergo reveal the source of the HCG?
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax
    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    want a good laugh, follow the link. get your waders on.
    Someone, the first week of camp when he hits the podium again, needs to ask two questions:

    1. Did you have any tumors discovered?

    2. Did the tests you said you were going to undergo reveal the source of the HCG?
    As far as I can tell "naturally occurring" (non-ingested) HcG is only associated with pregnancy and testicular cancer. Shouldn't have been too hard to rule the first potential cause out, and a quick self-examination would probably have told him whether he had anything to worry about on the second count. Unless, of course, his 'nads were already hard to locate.

  13. #53
    Our very own James Jones has weighed in:

  14. #54
    Obscure Rat HOFer Lurker64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax
    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    want a good laugh, follow the link. get your waders on.
    Someone, the first week of camp when he hits the podium again, needs to ask two questions:

    1. Did you have any tumors discovered?

    2. Did the tests you said you were going to undergo reveal the source of the HCG?
    And Florio's on it:

  15. #55
    Postal Rat HOFer Joemailman's Avatar
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    Dis this occur naturally?

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  16. #56
    Barbershop Rat HOFer Pugger's Avatar
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    Maybe the NFL should award these post season individual awards like MLB does instead of having media folks who have their own personal agendas.

  17. #57
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by red
    this new info thats come out today really makes a lot of sense after the whole man boob discussion, doesn't it?

    so let me see if i got this straight?

    in a nut shell

    a guy takes an roids to get ahead. the roids cause his body to stop making testosterone leading to his nuts shrinking and the gyno problem that leads to the man boobs. when the guy is then done with the roid cycle (i guess you use these in cycles, not all the time?), so once he's done with the roids he uses this HCG to kick start the the testosterone again. which would lead to the nuts getting bigger and the gyno boobs going away?

    is that kind of the ballpark?

    pft also mentioned that doctors are saying that yes, this does occur naturally in the body, but not in level that would be detected in a healthy person. they then mention that the fact that he didn't fail another test after the first proves that the HCG at that level is not naturally in his body, he had to put it there.
    The gyno problem is actually caused because such an overload of testosterone (roids) forces the body to convert to estrogen which causes bitch tits or man boobs. It also causes a converstion to DHT which causes hairloss if you are already susceptible to hair loss. The nuts shrinking is because your body has so much unnatural T using the receptors that it shuts down production.

    HCG is a female pregnancy hormone. It triggers normal testosterone production in men to get the body jump started again after a cycle (and a "normal" cycle is 9 weeks). Its also used for weight loss, but i'm not sure how it works. People seem to be able to live on 500 calories a day while on it and not get hungry.
    I don't hold Grudges. It's counterproductive.

  18. #58
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lurker64
    The timeline that PFT lines up with

    Cushing injures his knee in August
    Cushing takes his mandatory scheduled drug test, passes
    Knee isn't healing as fast as Cushing wants it to.
    Cushing takes 'roids to speed up the recovery processs.
    Cushing takes hCG coming off the 'roid cycle.
    Cushing gets nailed by a random drug test in September.

    That seems to be pretty plausible.
    Roids won't help a knee (or any joint) heal, but they will allow quick recovery off muscle after it heals on its own or surgery. HgH on the other hand is a miracle for joints....even "heals" arthritis.....hmmmmm, why won't the FDA approve HgH for people suffering serious arthritis problems?
    I don't hold Grudges. It's counterproductive.

  19. #59
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    wow. this kid fell out of the stupid tree and hitting every f-ing branch on the way down, i think.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Joemailman
    Dis this occur naturally?

    That is ridiculously unattractive...
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