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Thread: The ugly truth

  1. #1
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    The ugly truth

    I was looking around other forums, since there is mostly nothing happening here.

    At there have been 28 threads responded to since the beginning of June
    In their political forum - which is available to read without joining, I might add, there have been several decent topics covered. Just so so.

    At Sports Bubbler, the same cast of characters argue in their off topic threads - available without joining - and their sports threads are worthless.

    At football's future, there have been 20 threads added to in June, on the Packer Forum alone.

    I'm thinking of moving to FF with Cleft Crusty and/or just completely stopping that - which is pretty much where that is now, probably because it sucks, and I've lost most of my interest in it. I'm looking for some other site for political stuff. The actual political sites are so filled with worthless trolls, that your can't get a good discussion going because you have to wade through the endless hate, and the horrible software - See for examples.

    I know that Madtown will be pissed at me for posting this. There are a lot of very bright people who post here and who are really interesting - and these folks will be back big time when football is back - I think, but on the other threads, the discussion is sparse or non-existent. The bottom line is that it's mostly boring here. Am I wrong? What will revive or redeem this place? Most of the people probably won't even see this message as it's hidden behind a wall of secrecy - for what purpose? Maybe people have just gotten lives. I pretty much live on the computer for my work and can have multiple windows open all the time, so maybe I'm just bored/boring. Maybe I just need to get back to work! As Snoopy would say: Bleah!

    BTW, my log in timed out writing that worthless crap above, but I copied it just in case. Why does the stupid website log you out after 5-10 minutes. That's totally lame too.
    "Never, never ever support a punk like mraynrand. Rather be as I am and feel real sympathy for his sickness." - Woodbuck

  2. #2
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    BTW, my log in timed out writing that worthless crap above, but I copied it just in case. Why does the stupid website log you out after 5-10 minutes. That's totally lame too.
    Good question. I've had that happen to me a lot recently. I have had some relatively detailed responses or new threads started, then couldn't post them because it logged me out. I don't bother redoing them. It's not worth the double effort.

  3. #3
    Football talk is tough without football.

  4. #4
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    You mean hiding this place from the world for a year wasn't the best growth strategy Joe could have implemented?

    Hiding the place from search engines for months made sure no new people showed up. Mocking those who used to post here with a "click to enter forums" image with no link lost us a good chunk of regulars. Joe's stupid decisions and mismanagement drove away more. I said it then, and I'll say it again. It's kind of hard to pretend this level of incompetence isn't intentional.

    Madtown made a lot of dumb decisions that made this place about as fun as a sock full of public hair. Then Joe came along and burned the sock. In a box. Behind a locked door. With the lights off.

    Whatever happened to that shitty forum that guy from here started where they just tried to sell you coffee cups and tee shirts?
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  5. #5
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket View Post

    Whatever happened to that shitty forum that guy from here started where they just tried to sell you coffee cups and tee shirts? I think that was Jack's Smirking revenge's website.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket View Post
    Whatever happened to that shitty forum that guy from here started where they just tried to sell you coffee cups and tee shirts?

    That place was inhumane. They expected me to be nice to people.

  7. #7
    I thought packeraddict died. What was that other place where they wanted you to be nice and every topic had its own thread and god help you if you put your post in the wrong forum?
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  8. #8
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    The only reason I come here at all is because of Skinbasket....well...and his puppy's the personalities of the posters that keep me reading. There are some very good football posters here as well as some funny/smart know it alls.....but when they continue to leave/get banned.....and nobody replaces them (see above) this place dies a slow boring death.
    Harlan, Bigguns, hell....even Partial....they were entertaining as fuck. Who cares if they bombed a few threads every now and again?

  9. #9
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket View Post
    ... a sock full of public hair....
    Doesn't this belong in the Weiner thread?
    "Never, never ever support a punk like mraynrand. Rather be as I am and feel real sympathy for his sickness." - Woodbuck

  10. #10
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy View Post
    I thought packeraddict died. What was that other place where they wanted you to be nice and every topic had its own thread and god help you if you put your post in the wrong forum?
    yep, looks like it just died.

  11. #11
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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  12. #12
    We used to be.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  13. #13
    Rizzo Rat HOFer easy cheesy's Avatar
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    Well... I'm new... and a flittering asswipe... I have fun... I like to think I'm irreverent and relevant at the same time... well just fart in my general direction because I recognize that I am not....

    I love coming to this board and reading FYI for political leanings/opinions as well as learning, gleaning and extracting more about the Packers than I EVER would anywhere else. I think this is a FANTASTIC familial board and I am very happy that I have been accepted here. I don't have the history of the members on here, tis true, but I find you to be a very diverse and exciting bunch... just sayin'.... argue amongst yourselves...
    Last edited by easy cheesy; 06-06-2011 at 09:50 PM. Reason: spelling... as usual...
    Football been very very good to me

  14. #14
    Green & Gold Shades Rat HOFer channtheman's Avatar
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    Hey Easy Cheesy



  15. #15
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by easy cheesy View Post
    Well... I'm new... and a flittering asswipe... I have fun... I like to think I'm irreverent and relevant at the same time... well just fart in my general direction because I recognize that I am not....

    I love coming to this board and reading FYI for political leanings/opinions as well as learning, gleaning and extracting more about the Packers than I EVER would anywhere else. I think this is a FANTASTIC familial board and I am very happy that I have been accepted here. I don't have the history of the members on here, tis true, but I find you to be a very diverse and exciting bunch... just sayin'.... argue amongst yourselves...

    "Never, never ever support a punk like mraynrand. Rather be as I am and feel real sympathy for his sickness." - Woodbuck

  16. #16
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    EC has been a great addition. But adding one unique and engaging member while losing several dozen others doesn't bode well long term. Maybe Madtown can take Joe to court in California claiming something about the violation of our human rights. They love that shit out there. See Foreskin Man.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  17. #17
    i thought i was the only one so i didn't want to say anything, but i'm clearly not alone. i use to come to the site 2 or 3 times an hour. now i drop in maybe once every few days just out of habit to see if there is anything new going on. there never is

    the no football thing doesn't help matters, but that doesn't seem to be affecting other packer sites.

    this site was just left in the desert for dead with no food or water, you could see this coming from a mile away

  18. #18
    Ok, time to come clean.

    I was Joe, or better phrased, HALF of Joe. Madtown was the other half. Until 5/20/2011 in the middle of the night, when for inexplicable reasons, Madtown changed the password on the Joe account, and also changed the password on this account. It took me two weeks to figure out how to change it, and then it was just a fluke. I’ve called him once every day since, trying to get an explanation, but as some of you who know Madtown might suspect, those calls have not been returned.

    At this point, I really don’t know why he’s done what he did. My best guess is that he intends to ride back in here like the savior on the white horse and save you all from the evil Joe. Just a guess though, I really have no idea what he’s planned. I also have no idea how long this post will last. But for those of you who get to read it, at least you’ll know the truth.

    Many of you watched Madtown melt down several years back. Trust me when I tell you, that maintaining this place is a thankless job. He was doing the bulk of it by himself, and burn out doesn’t even come close to describing it. He reached out to me, and we concocted this scheme to keep the place running. At that point, he really couldn’t continue by himself.

    I had no interest in the software aspect of this whole thing. I have no idea how to do it, and little to no motivation to learn it. What I was willing to do was to keep accounts activated, read the posts, answer the pm’s & emails and deal with all the administrative bull. Zool has stated on here before what a PITA it is, but it’s necessary, and someone had to do it, and Madtown couldn’t any more.

    Let’s face it, there are about a dozen folks here that I couldn’t stand. Complicating things further, they couldn’t stand me either. Putting me in charge of that stuff wouldn’t have worked. So, in came Joe. If you read the bio correctly, you’ll see that it’s a combination of me and Madtown. The posting was 95% me, and the ideas were a conglomeration of both of us, but largely his vision.

    Trying to be “partners” with him is the most frustrating experience I’ve ever had. The first year, I largely spend begging him to initially upgrade the software and the old stuff was so outdated it almost didn’t run any longer. Later, it was switched to begging him to implement the new software.

    I think we started this in April 2009, I finally gave up and bought the Vbulletin suite myself in December 2009, and then begged him to implement it, finally going live in November 2010.

    When you don’t have the password to upload files to the server, there is only so much you can do.

    To those of you doubting me at this point, I only ask you to remember how long the homepage was down, and how many months it took to get a link to the forum. Even I could have put a link to the old forum. But if you cannot upload a page to the server, what can you do? Beg. And that’s what I did.

    Was I perfect? Oh, hell no. You sit there trying to figure out what to do and there are no clear answers. You’ve got a small group of folks, who are active posters that want to express themselves in any manner they choose. If they want to insult someone and their opinions, well, so be it. If that person doesn’t like it, tough. Then you’ve got another group of folks that want to tell you what they think, any time they choose, with absolutely NO criticism of their opinion regardless of how stupid it might be.

    Oil and water. No? You can’t balance that.

    So I tried to control it the best I could. Clearly didn’t work either. You create a Favre thread to mitigate the damage, just one example, and get mixed results. Some of the other things I tried, I got no results. Or bad ones.

    If you guys recall, I, as Joe, posted a sticky in the Packer forum one day asking those without an account to email me and tell me why they didn’t want to join us. I got 12 replies that all pretty much said the same thing. They were worried that if they offered their opinion, they’d get brutally criticized. 12 isn’t a large sample size, but it was what I had to work with. And there was some legitimacy to that.

    Look at the early replies to Waldo56. Brutal. Was the guy always right? Hell no. Was he crazy? No. He was a good poster. We drove him away. Then you read what happened to Woodbuck and Partial. You can certainly say that they brought it on themselves, and that’d be true, but why would you register here? So, I tried to move that stuff to the Garbage Can, or at least the Romper Room. That clearly didn’t work, and that was my decision.

    Let’s talk about Partial for a moment. He was my friend. I met him, and liked him. But I banned him. I got pm’s and emails from Madtown for months. “You gotta get rid of him”. “We can’t move on without him”. On and on. I agreed with him, but tried everything I could think of first and finally was left with no other options. Partial was a good guy, but jeez you can only take so much.

    So I banned him, WITH MADTOWN’S FULL SUPPORT. I have over 75 emails from partial after I banned him. In the span of 30 days. The vast majority were threatening. I reached out to one member privately and asked what I should do. I got some counsel back from an attorney that this person knew, and got some very good advice, which I implemented and the problem stopped. But now, I read Madtown ask if he should bring him back. I know what happened. That’s why I think he’s trying to come in here as the savior.

    Maybe all of you will let him. I have no idea. Maybe he’ll fix what ails this place. I have no idea about that either.

    In any event, there are a few folks here that I know, whom I have misled about whether or not I was still involved with Madtown. I apologize to each of you for that. In the end, that’s why Joe didn’t post very much. It was too difficult to keep the personalities separate.

    Kudos go out to Justin Harrell, who was the only guy (I believe) to figure it out. I think in the end, Joe talked him out of his opinion, but he got it. Or at least, he was the only one to make the accusation. Congrats Justin. There is one other person who can confirm that what I’ve told you is true. They can speak up if they wish, or forever remain silent. It’s entirely up to them.

    My time here is done. Some of you will be happy about that. Enjoy. I’ll miss this place, and miss my involvement in it. At the end of the day, I was just trying to make it better, and keep it going. And I truly loved being here and being a participant. My self assessment is that it didn’t go very well, certainly not as well as I had hoped. Hopefully now that I’m out of the way, it’ll go better.

    I’ll answer questions if you have any, until Madtown logs in and sees this and either deletes it or bans the retailguy account. Since I trusted him, I don’t have a backup account so I’ll have no other way to even read this. If this remains but you get no replies, that’s why.

    Those of you who have my email address, I invite you to contact me if you wish.

    Thanks all.

  19. #19
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    The End has cometh.
    R.I.P. Packerrats.
    It was good to have known you.

  20. #20
    wow, just wow. thanks for coming clean RG

    yup snoopy, i think you're right

    although i can see how mad could completely blow up, it is a thankless job running a site

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