Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket View Post
That combined with the proclamation when we arrived that content would never be deleted, just moved to the appropriate place if need be, raises the question of: WTF?

Retail, I'm not trying so much to indict you on anything here. Like you said, I think you made a decision that sucked balls. But at the time, you were allowed that kind of freedom from our customs by hiding behind the "new owner" with his "new vibe" who wasn't beholden to the rules we agreed on when we set up shop here. It was a cheap, cowardly way to be a dick.

I was saying it's cowardly and disingenuous for Madtown to now say there's nothing he's willing/able to do about it now. But it seems the rebirth of Madtown's reign has a heavy dose of afterbirth that smells just like he did when he pretended to run away before. It's not surprising that the same rules he established he also ignored at his convenience. It's just kind of pathetic. Of course, like everything else he decides he doesn't like, the rules, or what was left of them, no longer exist. So whatever. I guess he gets to be right because he says so. Like I said, it's just pathetic is all and I happen to believe the rest of the people here deserve better.
I don't take any of this as personal.

Look, I understand the reasons for Joe. This topic is a perfect reason for it. I've talked to MTP a lot over the last two years. I know him pretty well. At the end of the day, all he wanted to do was talk football and shit with his online buddies. There is a part of him that also loves running this website. Maybe you can't have both. He's trying to do that.

But the last few pages of this thread are proof that he can't be an admin and just talk crap with his buddies. You guys won't allow that. If he reinstates that thread, then, he can't delete anything else, ever. If he doesn't, it's all you'll bring up.

Does he have some power and control issues? Probably. In spite of that he's a good guy. I like him a lot even though I'm still frustrated with what happened. But going on and on about this thread? Not reasonable in my opinion. In retrospect, I wish I had blown it away instead of just deleting it.

As to the GC - again, I think personal attacks are out of bounds, and not appropriate there either. But my rules no longer apply. I honestly hope that most members here wouldn't personally attack someone, even in the GC. But hey, that's just me. I did it a few times, mostly in anger and frustration. I hope I never do it again, and one of the few things that I regret in my time here are those attacks.