Quote Originally Posted by imscott72
Maybe someone can explain to me wtf happened to CE? I haven't been on all day til now..

This forum was started because Harlan wanted a place separate from C-E that we all could come to if shit hit the fan over there. The Mad Mexican took the burrito and ran with it. He pushed to roll this puppy out (and he was fittin' to roll his own too). Mad Mex talked blue balled dog into going for it. Blue balled dog was nice and kept upnorth abreast. A referendum was to be voted on today by C-E members (see other threads). It was going to be a democracy. Do we all move here or do we stay at C-E? Upnorth either caught wind of this and it hurt his feelings or somebody told him everybody was badmouthing him here (nobody was). Anyways, some back and forth happened, and then upnorth blew up and milktoasted the Packer forum on C-E.

BTW, here's what I posted in the "for newbies" thread:

I think people should understand where madtown, harlan, and others are going with this. The goal is to create a site that is better than any other site. Hopefully, we can some good features from other sites (e.g. good content like PackerChatters has), but with a better interface than most and with a happy medium between little or no moderating, but the ability to delete harmful posts. Eventually, this site will likely be more marketable than C-E. No offense to upnorth because he did us a wonderful service. I didn't mind the Christian theme over there, but I understand that others might. Another goal is to get a lot of good posters, but that will take time. People need to be patient.

I just started posting here, and it takes awhile to warm up to yet another forum, but hopefully this is the final destination eventually.

Feel free gentlemen (used too freely when talking about blue dog and the mad mexican, I know) to explain the purpose of this site to any newbies. Sorry if a thread like this has been posted before