Quote Originally Posted by Partial View Post
Why? Patler has made money, I've made money, so that's excellent. It's not foolish to love a stock that is recession proof, has gone up >100% in two years, and is likely to hit 1000 within a few years, giving me a >500% return. Yes, I know, when the market would have made me ~50% in 5 years, I've been busy making 500%. 10x market pace IS priceless!
What was/is hilarious to me is that you don't understand diversification, or if you understand it, you don't preach or practice it. Investing $60K into AAPL (or ANY single stock) is ABSOLUTELY FOOLISH, unless $60k is not a material amount of money to you. I suspect that is the case with Skinbasket (It is material) and I am CERTAIN it is material to you.

"Playing around" with insignificant amounts of cash in single stocks in the stock market is one thing, something I have ZERO problems with, however, high stakes gambling (single stock investing) with material amounts of money injects so much risk into the equation it is FOOLHARDY, even when you make money.

You have the AAPL rose colored glasses on, so you aren't teachable any longer, but you're going to get your ass kicked in life very hard and I'm going to shake my head, roll my eyes, feel sorry for your spouse and family, and then laugh my fool ass off until I cry. Recession proof? You are fucking NUTS. NOTHING is recession proof. NOTHING. Didn't you learn a GD thing from Enron? Worldcom? Tyco? You are an abject fool if you truly believe AAPL is "recession proof", much less "risk proof".

Skinbasket, I haven't weighed in, because I'm the most boring investor out there. If it were my money, and I had a 5 year time horizon or more, I'd look for the most stable, balanced mutual fund I could find, in an area I understood, and park it. I work too hard to put a lot of risk into losing $60k, so, FWIW, that's what I do, and what I recommend to ALL of my clients. I have yet to recommend another path. YMMV.