Quote Originally Posted by retailguy View Post
partial my money is SAFELY invested. I work too hard to put it at risk, and I'm older than you. Taking the foolish chances you do would be disastrous for me as i lack 20 years on what your investment portfolio will earn. Over the next 5 years, I'll bet you I'll earn more than you will.

You say you respect my advice. If you can turn your big mouth off for even one minute, DO IT NOW. Unless you have sold your Apple stock, you haven't earned ONE DAMN PENNY. Let's say you bought 100 shares of stock. Today, you still "own" 100 shares of stock. That stock trades at a higher price than when you bought it, TODAY, but it may not tomorrow.

Until you pay taxes on it, YOU HAVE NOT EARNED A PENNY. Never forget that. Only a fool spends money before he earns it, and that fool also plans how he's gonna spend it. Don't do that. You will regret it. On the reverse, you haven't "lost" money until you sell it, or the exchange delists it. You'll still own 100 shares.

Buy it. Hold it. Save it. when you retire, you'll be fine. It is not a sprint, it's a marathon.

Finally, you didn't follow all my advice, because I would NEVER tell you to buy single stocks. Never. If you wanted to invest in Apple, I'd have told you to find a good performing mutual fund that holds apple stock. They have enough buying power to properly diversify. You don't, and it's not likely to happen anytime soon either.
I have 35-40K in mutual funds. I'm diversified. I do respect your advice because clearly you know how to manage money. I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but some of it is certainly beneficial and principals I've applied to the old ball and chain and my personal finances.

Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
On a barely related note, do smartphone users really care about the stats of the screen? From what I've seen they are all touch screens and will spend the majority of their lives as a smudgy piece of shit anyways.
Not really. They're all much higher DPI then our computer monitors to begin with. Having said that, the Apple display is pretty amazing. If only it was a little bigger. It's pretty wild with the Apple display the limiting factor is not the screen itself, but your eye. That is insane to think about.

Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy View Post
You just can't let shit go. So you're saying your phone can synch the correct photos automatically between your home and work computers AND automatically transfer the images you want on the external drive right there without making a clusterfuck out of it. Wow that really is a talented phone! And you said yourself that the Samsung screen was better. You're saying the iPhone screen performs better than the Samsung in sunlight? Quit kidding yourself. I COMPARED THE PHONES SIDE BY SIDE AND I LIKE MY PHONE BETTER THAN THE IPHONE I WAS SHOWN. End of story. I AM NOT ALONE. You're a fool if you think I am.
I don't think you're alone. There are a lot of people who are biased towards Apple products for bad reasons. I'm confident if you used both phones for a month you'd be more satisfied with the iPhone.

Samsung screen is good. Apple screen is good.

Here's my opinion breakdown:

Useability in size: Samsung
Quality of display all around: Apple
Quality of display in sunlight: Apple
Quality of display indoors: Samsung
Resolution and clarity: Apple
Black level: Samsung

It's pretty much a tie. They're both so far ahead of anything the competitors are using. HTC's screens, for example, look like crap compared to either one. Put an Htc Evo next to a Samsung Epic and your jaw will hit the floor at how much better the Sammy is.

Today, the Galaxy S II has the best display because it just came out in America last week. It's 4.3" with an 800x480 res. iPhone 5 is coming out with a display that will be 4" with a 960x640 display, so significantly higher resolution. It'll either tie or top the Samsung.

Here are some links about AMOLED's short coming in sunlight

Opening line to Endaget story:

By now you know that (one of) AMOLED's Achilles' heel is readability in direct sunlight