Quote Originally Posted by woodbuck27 View Post
You and I might be in the same field Guiness.

I'm an Engineering Technologist in Industrial Instrumentation and Control Technology and also in a practical sense an Electrical Technician. I have a BEd in Technology Education and Vocational Training.

Ohh ! Just for those not familiar with the conversions of Celcius Degrees to Farenheit Dgrees and vice versa

Celcius Degrees to Farenheit Degrees:

Celcius Degrees X 9/5 (Plus 32 Degees) = Farenheit degrees

Farenheit Degrees to Celcius degrees:

F Degrees (minus 32 degrees) X 5/9 = Degrees C
You can just type it into the calculator on the internet and it will tell you. Congrats. You are now obsolete.