Quote Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
Typical of the NFL to find a scapegoat (Williams) in order not to have to confront the essentially brutal nature of the game. On the one hand, the NFL goes out of its way to emphasize the hyper-masculinity of the game, featuring "bone-jarring hits" and such during "highlights" from games, but on the other hand the NFL pretends there are clear, easily-observable boundaries.

They'd like to have it both ways. And to get to that end, they need scapegoats to stand in, like scapegoats do, for the real problems, which then can remain blissfully hidden as the NFL rakes in gajillions of dollars.
Nope ! The word 'scapegoat' does NOT apply here.

Thinking of 'Greg Williams' and the word ... 'GOAT' ... does.