Quote Originally Posted by woodbuck27 View Post
Locking this thread is like sweeping the worst dirt under the carpet.

The dirt has to be seen. The dirt has to be acknowledged exactly as such. The dirt has to be cleaned up. The reason for the dirt has to be removed if it continues.

It's time to get back to common sense and decency in our posting styles. Attacking a post is domocratic but attacking the poster has to STOP.

Pugger? Why did former prominant member MOBB DEEP create this thread? Were his intentions honourable? Were his wishes respected by 'the Lunatic Fringe' ?

Writing deadly malicious CRAP about another poster is plainly a disregard for that posters decent expectation of rights.

Do I need to persude the membership of what is common sense?

Pugger your a member of Packerrats that is concerned and I have a hearty respect for your concerns. I support those concerns and your style of posting and concerns for Packerrats. You don't attack others here. You don't lower yourself to name calling and use distinctly maliscious tactics to hurt fellow members. Pugger...it seems to me that you demonstrate 'your decency' as a valued and decent member of Packerrats.

It flys in the face of decency as proper forum edicate 'to name call'! Some posters here ignore that decency; but it goes way over the top beyond that. Certain members here go way beyond insult when they define another as 'crazy old man..or mentally ill' because that poster defends a position and resort to such without any basis of qualification or TRUTH in knowledge of that poster.

Is that acceptable? If you were called CRAZY or 'mentaly ill'? How would that affect you? Would that be acceptable to you? Then be honest. Look at the contribution these same posters make to the football discussion. Why are these posters here? what is their primary interest in Packerrats?

Is it football?

After you ask yourself those questions can you accept such vile behaviour in your Green Bay Packer Home?

I believe your a reasonable person. I request that you be reasonable in this issue.

Help to solve the problem pugger. Please don't make recommendation to sweep it under the rug.

Thank You. (-:
I just think it is silly and pointless to keep talking about a guy who hasn't worn a GB uniform in almost 5 years. All this bickering isn't doing any of us any good. There will always be a segment of Packer fans who still have soft spot for Favre. There are others who have no regard for him at all and then there are folks like me who are sick of the entire saga. I think it is finally time for Packer Nation put Favre in the history books and celebrate what we have NOW. We are witnessing something special that just doesn't happen in the NFL. Only one other time has a sure fire HOF QB been successfully replaced by another wonderful QB who might, in the end, be even better than his predecessor.