Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
Thanks for your input. That is exactly how it can work and I can show you if you like. Can I borrow SC and Woody? Would they be an example of where the bar should be set? Or we could use the forum complaint system (Report Post = the little triangle with the ! at the bottom of each post) where if I get so many complaints from members the Meadow goes into effect.
I don't think so. Maybe if they had infested mutliple threads, but they were in the Favre thread and one other. It was mostly harmless, and quite frankly entertaining. The pacopete-?? flame war was in every thread. That's the bar - when you get a lot of chatter about annoyance from the serious Packers posters - PBmax, Harv, etc. about a flame war ruining threads, then you pull the trigger.