Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Nutz View Post
I was just like you Smeefers, until the Lacrosse team shoved a parking cone up my ass. Then I understood that no matter how many articles or blogs I wrote the Packers and every other professional sporting event was simply entertainment and being misserable for days or weeks because a team lost was a bit pathetic. What was even more pathetic was dry heaving in my friends driveway because I was so upset that the Packers lost in the NFC Title Game. There is a time to walk away, and then there is a time to run away and seek help. The parting of Favre from the Packers helped me see the light.
But.. but I'm not miserable for days and I don't throw up when they loose and I don't Threaten to beat people up. I just go "aww man..." and am maybe a little sad for a day or two (up to 3 days when we lost the SB in 97). But then ya bounce right back. It didn't even bother me all that much when we lost last year because...well, damn! 15-1, are you kiddin me!? I also get that me writing what I do here isn't going to change a damn thing. That's pretty elementary stuff. The only thing it is going to change is my perspective on the game. I come to this website to learn other view points and try to get a better understanding of the game. I mean, this topic doesn't have a lot to do with the game, but it's close enough for me.

So uh... what now? Hug it out?