Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Nutz View Post
This is the emotional part of the game. Brett Favre is still the biggest news story in Wisconsin. He is the most polarizing figure in Wisconsin sports' history, and the next time he says anything it will immediately be picked up and reported by the Wisconsin news media. He gave an interview this fall before he did a broadcast for the Southern Miss game, and every single word was pull apart and analyized for hidden meanings, and slights.

What I don't get, if you are so easy going about actual losses that happen on the field, then why are you still so bent out of shape about Favre? When was the last time Favre impacted a loss for the Packers?
Just because I don't jump to extremes, it doesn't mean I'm not emotionally attached to what happened. No matter how I try to come up with an explanation, I can't figure out how to explain to you why I'm more upset about Favre than I am over the loss of a single game. Favre played for us for 15 years, was the heart of the team and there was the messiest divorce in sports history between him and our team. And then there's that one game we played. It's just so very small in comparison.