Yep, Brett's fault that everything went sour between him and the Packers. He should have been thrilled to just play out his final couple of good years with a team that went into rebuilding mode. Honestly, why would Favre, the first NFL player to win three consecutive AP MVP awards, get upset if his team decides to rebuild instead of trying to field the best team possibe for a push at the Super Bowl? I mean seriously, the man only allowed the Packers to restructure his contract a couple of times to free up money for free agent signings and such...... how dare he assume that the Packers front office would ever give a crap about what he thought.
If only Brett would have happily accepted the way that Thompson wanted him to lie down for the last couple of years he had left in him. He could have sat on the bench behind his replacement.......using that competitive fire we all loved so much, to keep the bench warm for Mr. Rodgers.

Unreal, lol. I am sorry, but I have to laugh at how people complain about Favre because of how he left the Packers, or because of where he went after he left. It takes two to tango kiddies. Yes, things would have went much smoother with a lot less drama if Favre would have either retired when Thompson pushed him towards it, or just sat on the bench as a second string to a freakin rookie. But we are talking about Brett Favre. While some may want to cherish memories of "Favre throwing his team under the bus" (lmao, really?) or for sending pics of his wiener to a cheerleader (like you have never sent a pic of your wiener to a cheerleader...), I choose to remember Favre for the amazing things he did while he was a Packer, such as playing the best game of his life the day after his father died. Or, you remember watching him play in two Super Bowls? That was pretty freakin kewl!
I seriously think some of you are either to young to know what you are talking about, or you have a huge problem with empathy. If you were to put yourselves in Favre's shoes at the time that he left GB, if you were honest with yourselves, you would have likely have done a lot of the same things he did. Why stay with a team that is going to be rebuilding up until you retire? Especially, if you still feel that you have a few good years left in you? As for Favre going to the Jets, your damn right i would have made a back door deal with the Jets if I was in Favre's shoes. Why wouldnt Favre have wanted to play for the Vikings? I know damned well why Thompson didnt want Favre playing for the Vikings, lmao!!!! I have to wonder what might have been if Thompson had had the balls to simply release Favre, and put his money where his mouth was. Im guessing that if Favre hadnt had to waste a season playin for the Jets, he would have had one more ring....with the Vikings.

In the end, Favre was the same man that we all knew and loved, just in a different uniform. You cant blame him for wanting to continue to play, or for wanting to continue to win. The only thing you can bash him for, is for not allowing Thompson to push him into retirement, or for not wanting to sit on the bench for his last remaining couple of years. That is what it all really boils down to.

Oh, and as for Rodgers saying that it is past time for Favre to come back to the Packers so that they can retire his Jersey.......LMFAO. Get out of town with that garbage. Perhaps after M3 and Thompson are gone, lol.....but otherwise, I would just as soon see Favre retire as a Viking, its no less than some Packer "fans" deserve.