I didn't see it live, but I have seen replays from various angles. I don't mind that he made the call, and I wouldn't have thought it wrong if he didn't. Could have gone either way.

I think people get upset because it negated a goal. Had the goalie made the save, probably no one would have objected. But the fact the shot went in doesn't change the call from right to wrong. For me, the fact it was with less than 2:00 remaining doesn't matter either. I wanted the calls to stay the same until the very end. otherwise, it just becomes a free for all.

Doesn't seem to be any dispute that the whistle was blown before the shot. If you watch the trailing official, his hand goes to his mouth to blow the whistle even before the final pass is made.

I don't think the Hawk was blameless. He grabbed the Wing by the head and pulled his helmet off, then wrapped his legs around the Wing's legs. The Wing was no more and no less to blame, maybe the hit was high, maybe roughing as the Hawk came down on the ice, but not egregious either. Coincidental was probably the best call, if a call was to be made.

Not the greatest whistle, but not atrocious, in my opinion. I couldn't have cared less who won the game, so I think I am objective, but then again it involved a Chicago team so I might be inherently prejudicial in favor of whoever is playing them!