There are people who grow up, their dad beats the shit out of their mom, introduces them to danger and violence at an early age, then just leaves the family. That's similar trauma to someone having their baby daughter die, and this is a little kid. Now this kid grows up scared, angry, empty and ashamed. Who knows what a person is capable of doing when they're in that state. Just look at the perfectly normal person who had a whole life to grow and learn to be a person when his daughter died. Hernandez might not have had a full life to grow and learn. His trauma may have happened before he was old enough to cope.

I give zero excuses for the guy. He deserves whatever he gets. I have a hard time not seeing the human being inside him though. For some reason, I don't hate the guy, and don't wish the worst on him. I can't figure out exactly why, but I don't.