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Thread: Madness in the UK

  1. #1

    Madness in the UK

    so, one or two of you in here might actually know what the "mot" and "bates out" mean in my signature. some have even asked.

    mot stands for "marching on together". something many Leeds United fans include at the end of posts and whatnot. Bates is Ken bates, an evil bitter old crook who owns leeds.

    Leeds united was once one of the biggest football (soccer) teams in the world. then they over invested thinking the success from the next season would pay for all the investments they were making. they sucked that next year. the team was crippled with debt and had to sell off all their solid players for dirt cheap. because of the sell offs the team plummeted all the way from one of the top teams in europe all the was down to the third tier of english football.

    it was at this point that ken bates started buying up the club. bates is a shady figure who lives tax free in morocco and has all of his money tied up in offshore banks. in fact it took years for him to finally admit (under oath) that he was behind the many shadow companies that owned leeds. over the years bates has managed to "right the ship" , pulling them out of a free fall. however over the years he has continued to sell off millions of dollars worth of star players, and pocketing all the money while investing little or nothing back into the team.

    many fans started to wonder why all their best players were still being sold, ticket prices were still going way up, yet the team was not being improved. many people started demanding that bates sell the club to someone who would invest back into the club.

    earlier this year, it was announced that Leeds was being sold. then it came out that it was being sold to a middle easterner with deep pockets, and people started to shit themselves dreaming of becoming the next Manchester city. then the takeover didn't happen, and we waited. then they announced the deal was still on and moving along. there was a lot of he said she said bull shit and back and forth between the two sides leading to fan boycotts of Leeds home games. through it all ken bates was a total dick hole calling leeds fans morons and idiots.

    so today after 7 months of the takeover drama, it was announced that the takeover is finally a done deal and that as of december 21st, the new owners will take over 100% of the club. and Leeds fans world wide rejoiced


    it was also announced that the Evil crook Ken bates would stay on until the end of the year as the chairman of the club. after that time he would take over as the president of the club


    the whole driving force behind the fans demanding and supporting a takeover was to get ken bates the fuck out of Leeds. but now he's staying around

    to put this in perspective for non UK soccer fans. this is like, the UN deciding that hitler should be the president of the jews

    absolute bullocks

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Yeah, that word

  4. #4
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Isn't Leeds traded on the London Stock Exchange? The fans should organize and buy as much as possible and boot the fucking scumbag. You should Red.

  5. #5
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    God save the Queen. We mean it, man.

    Tourists are money....
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  6. #6
    Limburg Rat All-Pro wootah's Avatar
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    Haha, the Hitler analogy

    Soccer is a beautiful game, but there is a very very dark side to it as well; the invasion of money laundry, the human trafficking with young players or players from poor countries and of course let's not forget the possibility of nil-nil games with no shots on target and all midfield play.

  7. #7
    Euro Rat HOFer mmmdk's Avatar
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    Robber Barons! How the world has de-evolved. Thank you .......
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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by red View Post
    Yeah, that word
    good stuff, Red. I learned something.

  9. #9
    Digital Rat HOFer digitaldean's Avatar
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    Sounds this guy is as beloved as the Glazer family (owners of the TB Bucs and Manchester United) are to the Man U fans.
    -digital dean

    No "TROLLS" allowed!

  10. #10
    fuck me

    just over a year ago i made this thread talking about what a mess the soccer team i followed was

    it has somehow gotten worse

    the news that has been coming out of leeds today, and over the last week, make the problems with the packers seem kind of minor

    so just over a year ago, the team got new owners, and every leeds supporter rejoiced because the evil previous owner was now gone

    the new owners, a bunch of arabs known as GFH, spent a year blowing smoke up everyones asses, telling all the fans how much they respected the club and its fans and how they wanted to help return leeds to greatness

    everyone knew GFH was going to only be a short term owner, as they were looking for massive investments from day one. there has been talks about them reselling the team almost from the day they took over. they kept saying that they would do what was best for the club and the fans.

    they hired a new manager before this season started to help rebuild the club, as he has done at other clubs. this would involve bringing in new players that the coach liked and selling the ones he didnt. the owners said they would support him 100%

    near the end of november it was announced that the team would be sold and that the new owner was a lifelong leeds fan. everyone was thrilled. the deal was suppose to be done in a month, in time for the transfer window to open. the new owners promised all kinds of money to the coach to get all the players he wanted. the transfer window opened, and the deal hadn't been closed yet

    fans started to worry.

    the would be new owners gave the club 6 million bucks to bring in new signing while they waited for the takeover to go through. the coach found the guy he wanted, and the current owners blocked the purchase. fans were confused. the play on the field took a nose dive as it started to look like the team was not going to be supported by the current owners, and things were currently in limbo

    meanwhile offers have been coming in all month for the teams best player, and the fan favorite, ross mccormick. the team had been known in the past for selling off its best players for a profit, then not signing anyone to replace them. this practice pissed off fans quite a bit. so far the team kept rejecting the offers because the player wanted to stay with the club.

    a little over a week ago, italian press came out saying the club was about to be sold to an italian criminal who owns a club in sicilly, and has a few counts of fraud against him, including a current ongoing case. the guy (massimo cellino) is also very well know in italy for having 36 different coaches in the last 20 year with his current club.

    fans became worried

    yesterday it come out in the press that the initial offer from the english leeds fan had completely fallen through. word also came out that the italians choice to be new head coach after he took over, had walked into practice earlier this week and tried to sit on the bench during last weeks game, even though the takeover hadn't happened, and even though the fans were firmly behind their current coach

    that brings us to today. a few hours ago a new offer came in for our top player. he turned it down saying he wanted to stay at leeds with his current coach. a couple hours later, news broke that the team had fired the coach, a highly respected manager named brian mcdermott.

    this pissed fans off to no end. not just because the fans respected the manager, but because it probably means the italian is the new owner

    ross mccormick who had just said hours ago that he didn't want to leave the club, goes back on TV and says he only wanted to stay at the club because of the manager, and that he might now be open to leave.

    while he is on TV, a report comes out that the teams main sponsor has just withdrawn all support for the team do to the disgraceful handling of the fired coach

    leeds fans are now rallying on team forums and starting to make plans for the game being played in leeds tomorrow against one of their biggest rivals. many fans are planning to boycott the game, other are planning riots

    there is a chance that leeds burns tomorrow

    nothing i have ever seen the packers do could come anywhere close to being as big of a mess as leeds united have become

  11. #11
    i think the quote that best sums it up comes from gary neville. the longtime captain of the team leeds fans consider their biggest rival (man u). and a guy most leeds supporters hate

    Gary Neville

    I don't like Leeds United / they don't like me! ( that's life) However they are being tossed about by impostors! None of us like that!!
    2:23 PM - 31 Jan 2014

  12. #12
    and another big sponsor has pulled out

    and all this could be for nothing

    the new italian owner still has to pass a screening test by the football league before he is allowed to actually own the club. he failed it in 2010

    if the deal falls through, then the current owners don't have a pot to piss in already, and they owe large amounts of money to the group that they just broke of negotiations with yesterday. if the deal with the italian falls though, the club could end up back in administration and be relegation down to a lower division again

  13. #13
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    Sounds like the Browns
    "Never, never ever support a punk like mraynrand. Rather be as I am and feel real sympathy for his sickness." - Woodbuck

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    Sounds like the Browns
    LOL it really does doesn't it?

    fan favorite coach fired.
    criminal owner
    best players wanting to leave
    there have been no riots in Cleveland though to my knowledge

    this would be about like the ford family buying the packers and then installing matt millen as the new GM and swartz as the HC

  15. #15
    and in the last hour a half dozen clubs have called about buying our star player

    he's as good as gone

    theres only a couple of hours left in the transfer window, but i bet he still leaves

  16. #16

    fans protested outside elland road late tonight and some of them actually blockaded the parking lot to the team offices, where the italian crook was meeting with club officials trying to finish the deal

    twice the fans forced taxis away that had been called to pick up the italian criminal

    finally cops had to be called to escort the new owner off the team grounds

    i've mentioned doing something like this to get rid of slocum, except i thought we could use more violence and weapons

  17. #17
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by George Cumby View Post

    UK Vulger:

    " That's a load of bollocks, mate! "

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    ** Many commercials are annoyingly dry ... a load of unwatchable bollocks.

    Now these "infomercials" may indeed be something else. Get a load of these bollocks ! If you have little to no hair your safe to go here.

    OK that was really bad!! ...allow me a chance to recover... This will kill you... make you laugh. If it doesn't your gums are likely itchy or your NOT taking Vitamin "D".

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    Last edited by woodbuck27; 02-01-2014 at 06:46 AM.
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  18. #18
    and it gets sillier

    today, the board of directors calls up the fired coach and tell him that he was illegally fired by a guy who was not yet the owner. the came after news broke that the fired coach was seeking legal action and that the english coaching association had condemed the firing as illegal

    it was also after new broke that the sponsors that pulled out last night were planning lawsuits against the former owners because they had given the former owners large chunks of money to pay the salary of the fired coach. they now want their money back. money the selling owners do not have

    and it was also after the supposed new owner took to the newspapers to state that the coach left him no choice but to fire him after listing a whole line of BS

    meanwhile a 3rd group of englishmen has stepped in and said they are now in negotiations with the club to buy the club

    rumors are swirling that the football league might have informed the current owners that they would not green light the sale to a known criminal. or that the current owners saw just how much the fans did not want the team sold to that slime and that if they did sell to him, they (current owners) would receive multiple lawsuits totaling 10's of millions of dollars, which they don't have, and pulled out of the deal to negotiate with the group the fans want (who have offered the same amount of money btw)

    today, they team showed up, playing for their old coach, led by the team captain that almost left the club late last night after the coach was fired, and completely destroy their rivals 5-1, to continuous thunderous charts from the crowd in support of the former coach

    now reports are coming out that the old coach is still the current coach, and that the board of directors asked him not to attend todays game, but he will be back with the team on monday

    so, no one knows whats going on, who the coach is, or who the owner is. but the team won

  19. #19
    oh, and one of the team directors that was fired by the new owners last night, was rehired this morning, because all the safety permits for the stadium were in his name, and without him being employed by the team, the game would not have been allowed to be played today

    you really couldn't make this shit up if you tried

  20. #20
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    It's a Clive Cluster-*uck.
    "Never, never ever support a punk like mraynrand. Rather be as I am and feel real sympathy for his sickness." - Woodbuck

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