Quote Originally Posted by digitaldean View Post
Wasn't planning on it, but gave my notice to my first full time employer on April Fool's Day. Suffice it to say my employer didn't think it was too funny.

The only other full time job I quit from I was actually planning on freelancing my graphic design full time instead of part time, which is what I told my employer (even though one of the owners was such a bipolar control freak that pushed me over the edge). After I gave my notice, a friend of mine had an opening and I started working just down the street from old employer.

Have to agree re: leaving on best terms possible. I feel regardless of the situation it's best to be civil, but honest during exit interviews. My wife did that for a logistics firm she worked for. She was honest (especially on how she felt she was treated by mgmt.), didn't have a job lined up when she gave her notice, but had 2 interviews before she finished her last day last week. Now she started her new job today.
Reading that I see good news and you digitaldean.

Nice turn around. I'm happy for you.