Quote Originally Posted by woodbuck27 View Post
How about simply advancing to the NFC Championship game as we saw with the R. Wolf; M. Sherman; T. Thompson / B. Favre era.

The Brett Favre - Ron Wolf; Mike Sherman and Ted Thompson era (1992 - 2007 or 16 Seasons) produced Four (4) NFC Championship games and two (2) NFC Champonships under Green Bay Packers GM Ron Wolf and Brett Favre (1992 - 2007).


The Ted Thompson era 2005 -2013 or nine (9) Seasons = One (1) NFC Championship game and one (1) Championship.

Is Ted Thompson wasting Aaron Rodgers outstanding skill set?
It seems that you're muddling Brett Favre's career into your TT vs Wolf comparison.

Wolf was GM for 9 seasons. His postseason record: 1992 missed; 1993, 1994 lost in divisional; 1995 lost NFCC; 1996 won SB; 1997 lost SB; 1998 lost WC; 1999 missed; 2000 missed
Ted Thompson has been GM for 9 seasons. His postseasons: 2005, 2006: missed; 2007: NFCC; 2008: missed; 2009: lost WC; 2010 won SB; 2011 lost div; 2012 lost div; 2013 lost WC.

Both made the playoffs 6/9 times as GM. Both had 1 SB victory, 1 lost NFCC, 2 divisional losses, and 1 WC loss. The main difference is that Wolf made it to a second Superbowl.