Quote Originally Posted by MadScientist View Post
TT said this at the presser:

Which is TT speak for "No, he's not good enough". The comments about possibly switching Colt to FB makes it sound like they had some serious issues with him at TE, most likely given the reports of drops it is his hands.

I doubt Colt pushed for the settlement. 8 weeks on IR is $150K for him. TT probably said if he forces the full year on IR, TT will put word out and Colt won't even get a sniff from any team in the future.
I really doubt that's the way things work, but I don't really have a better explanation either. It will be a damn shame if Lyerla catches on with some other team and becomes a decent player - that we could have had for a mere additional $150,000.

I could also see a bad end for the player here too. Instead of being in a healthy and controlled environment with the Packers, he is out there on his own, a history of drug abuse, and $150,000 to feed his habit.