Leftists fancy themselves "enlightened", and since they control our society now, they delight in rubbing everyones face in the perversions they celebrate - and if you don't like it?? you are a bigot; if you don't celebrate it?? you are "intolerant" and in need of "reeducation"...

Ever listen to Mike and Mike in the Morning?? ESPN radio's Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg... their entire show has nothing whatsoever to do with sports anymore, it is nonstop celebration of political correctness in sports. All they talk about is Sam, the Ray Rice incident, the horrors of marijuana, etc. The entire show is an exercise in self congratulation of how enlightened they are, and anyone who disagrees is the equivalent of a Jew in Nazi Germany.

They're unlistenable now... same thing with other sports talk shows. If I want to be lectured by some leftist nuts, I'll go back to college.