Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby View Post
I don't think they have a defensive line to compete for championship, and the offensive line depth is not there. I would say they still can be a good, 10-6 team.
You may be right, but how can you tell from one game? The '97 Packers were hemorrhaging yards on defense for the first half season and then someone figured out how to stop the run when December and January rolled around. Last night may have exposed a couple of fatal weaknesses left open by injuries to Raji and Bulaga. But it is also conceivable that Sherrod finds his legs (so to speak) after a couple of games, and that MM does what he should have done last night and activates Pennel, who turns out to be a revelation. In the NFL each year is different (except when it comes to the Packers and the injury epidemic), and the worm has a way of turning really quickly. A few years ago everyone had left the Giants smoldering by the side of road and suddenly they woke up and ran the table. If I had to bet, yeah, I would bet that the 2014 Packers will be done in by weaknesses on both lines (and injuries, don't forget the injuries), but as a fan I'm not ready to write them off yet.