Quote Originally Posted by wist43 View Post
Wake up chuggin kool-aid this am??

How in heavens name are we a top 4 team in the conference?? We're 9-11-1 in our last 20 games - Rodgers being out be damned, we're just not that good.

Seattle is light years better; and San Francisco has come back to us a bit with the losses on defense, but they are still better than we are; New Orleans is better; Carolina is better; Philadelphia is probably better - they certainly kicked the crap out of us last year in Lambeau...

The Lions completely embarrassed us last year 40-10... I don't care if Rodgers was out or not, a good team finds a way to at least compete; and I'm sorry, I hate the Bears too, but they are probably better than we are too.

That puts us at being competetive in the middle of the NFC.

That is what our record indicates, that is what our pathetic defense indicates, that is what our head scratching GM and coaching decisions indicate. We're simply not as good as Packer fans want to think we are. You guys are riding on the coat tails of a good run 3-4 years ago, and the fact that we have a franchise QB.

NFL games are won in the trenches, and the Packers are horrid on both the offensive and defensive lines. I think we had some good DL talent, but the cast off any run defenders we had on the roster, and of course dunderdummy is our DC and is committed to misusing everyone.

No, you're on drugs if you think the Packers are a legit SB contender. I think we have the talent to be that good, and I think MM will round the offense into decent form; but I view the defense as being completely hopeless.

I had higher hopes a few weeks ago... hopes that MM would force Capers into actually doing his job - but alas, the Seattle game showed that very little has changed - and what has changed has been for the worse... as if that were possible.

As good as our offense can be, there is no way the Packers can be considered a legit contender as long as dunderdummy is our DC, and the organization continues to believe that gimmicks on defense is a substitute for playing solid, fundamental football.
Got to say I agree with you on this. Usually you are way to negative for me, but realistically I would say we are somewhere in the middle. I see the Hawks, Saints, and 49ers as clearly better teams and I see the Bears, Lions, Eagles, Falcons, and Redskins as teams that will be a lot better than last year. I think the Panthers will suck though. So the very best we are number 4, but could be as low as 9.

I think TT should be held accountable for his drafts since 2010. He has been missing and missing early. While teams like the 49ers and Seahawks are hitting on all top picks and finding studs in the later rounds. Seattle for example has drafted Chancellor, Sherman, Lane, Maxwell, kj wight, Bladwin, Wilson, and most of there oline in the 3rd round or later. The Packers in the meanwhile have drafted Bulaga, Sherrod, and Jones in the first and they all haven't played the way you expect first rounders to play.

Plain and simple we can complain about Capers (and we should bc he sucks), but we just simply aren't as talented as the elite teams in the league. I hate to even think about the teams TT would be fielding had he not drafted Rodgers with his first pick.