Quote Originally Posted by smuggler View Post
Revisiting the Ray Rice thing. Theres a video on TMZ. She slaps him once before they go in the elevator. He slaps her when they get inside. There on opposite sides of the elevator and she comes up on him and he either punches open or closed palm but it knocks her to the side and her head hits an elevator handrail and knocks her out. His story doesnt quite hold up to the facts, and obviously we don't know what was said, there it is.
Actually, that is about how I envisioned it after the post we had that they both had been physical. I still think the punishment was light, but I would be surprised if it changes the suspension.

Twitter has the Ravens saying they (and the League) had been denied access to this video by the police, but that the version of the story Rice gave them was consistent with the new video.