Quote Originally Posted by MadScientist View Post
Technically the NFL hasn't banned him, but teams are not likely to give him a chance. Perhaps if he had proved himself, he'd be facing an actual suspension with a chance to play again. Million dollar body, 5-cent head.
Why would the NFL not give him a chance? That's crazy talk.

Do you really think that cocaine use is that different from alchoholism, or Bret Favre's vikes?

BTW, I hate cocaine. The Grateful Dead were merrily taking their pot and acid and mesc, the love was free and flowing, and then cocaine got popular. Coke is an insidious, mean-ass drug that ruins personalities and lives. It's worse than meth in that it is socially acceptable. Coke destroyed so many people in the 70s and 80s before people knew what it was about. Nice white people, too.