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Thread: Adrian Peterson Indicted

  1. #21
    Oracle Rat HOFer Cheesehead Craig's Avatar
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    Unintentional injury? What did AP think was going to happen when he hit his son with a switch?
    All hail the Ruler of the Meadow!

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post

    Technical note on the title of that link. I think he was charged with Negligent Child Endangerment which is not quite the same thing. Bad, but not exactly the same thing.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rastak View Post
    He's accused of spanking his kid with a switch.
    The Packers defense, especially the run defense, is so bad, only an indict can prevent AP from spanking the unit.

    On a serious note, child abuse is never a joke or a funny thing, but I do hope Minnesota "deactivates" AP on Oct. 2 also.
    Last edited by Tyrion Lannister; 09-12-2014 at 08:55 PM.

  4. #24
    I feel like those welt would be justified on a 9 or 10 year old for fighting or stealing. Not so much for a 4 year old for pushing another kid.

  5. #25
    An indictment means felony means bad.

    200 some pound man beating a four year old with a stick leaving all sorts of bruising and welts? Worse than than the Ray Rice deal by an East Texas Country Mile.

    Is Baddell smart enough to see this? Doubt it.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by George Cumby View Post
    An indictment means felony means bad.

    200 some pound man beating a four year old with a stick leaving all sorts of bruising and welts? Worse than than the Ray Rice deal by an East Texas Country Mile.

    Is Baddell smart enough to see this? Doubt it.

    Now that I have read a few more reports, this motherfucker is in deep shit. I think the Vikings are going to be awash in cap space next year.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Rastak View Post
    Now that I have read a few more reports, this motherfucker is in deep shit. I think the Vikings are going to be awash in cap space next year.

    Sorry, man, but I think you're right.......

    I have never spanked either of my kids, 8 and 5, let alone taken the wood to them like that. Seriously, WTF?

  8. #28
    Postal Rat HOFer Joemailman's Avatar
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    According to a police report, Peterson used a switch taken from a tree outside his home to discipline his 4-year-old son, who was visiting Peterson at his Montgomery County home back in May. The boy told police he pushed his brother off his bike and that's when his father got mad at him. He said his pants were down when Peterson hit him with the switch.

    The boy's mother told police she was speaking to him via Skype while he was visiting Peterson and her son said he got a "whupping" with a switch from Peterson.

    Investigators say the boy told them Peterson has hit him with a belt and punched him in the head on other occasions.

    The police report states that upon returning to Minnesota, the mother took the boy to the doctor, who examined him and determined the injuries were consistent with the boy's story and consistent with physical abuse.

    According to the police report, about a week later the boy's mother said Peterson apologized for what happened to their son. She told police Peterson said he didn't make the switch smooth enough and the ridges were what caused the marks.
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  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by George Cumby View Post

    Sorry, man, but I think you're right.......

    I have never spanked either of my kids, 8 and 5, let alone taken the wood to them like that. Seriously, WTF?
    I got the shit beat out of me as a kid on the rare occassion from dear ole dad. But really, there better be some serious things missing from these reports or I have to say goodbye asshole.

  10. #30
    nick wright ‏@getnickwright 4h
    It should be understood that the photographs that some have published & I have possession of were taken at least a week after incident.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  11. #31
    Prescient Rat HOFer esoxx's Avatar
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  12. #32
    Note to self: when caning the kids, be sure to use a SMOOTH stick. Not one with ridges and shit.

  13. #33
    If that report is correct, and Peterson has hit this 4 year old in the head with a punch, well it's just disgusting. I have a 4 year old, and I cannot imagine her sustaining a punch from Adrian Peterson and not sustaining permanent damage...

    Worse than Ray Rice by about 100 fold.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by smuggler View Post
    If that report is correct, and Peterson has hit this 4 year old in the head with a punch, well it's just disgusting. I have a 4 year old, and I cannot imagine her sustaining a punch from Adrian Peterson and not sustaining permanent damage...

    Worse than Ray Rice by about 100 fold.

    Probably best to stick to the facts but if all of it is true, he should be on the rock pile for a while.

    Tex would likely take the tact of - if we kill the children and they can't testify can our guy play sunday?

  15. #35
    What is so bad about this? This is a serious question. The scratches look very, very minor. It doesn't seem that bad to me. IDK, a black eye or bruises is a lot worse than a few small scratches. Scratches bleed - it's not like the kid was gushing blood or in serious danger. Is it right? No, but people should be able to parent how they seem fit. This doesn't seem like child abuse to me. It is definitely worrisome and something to keep an eye on - but I don't consider those scratches to be child abuse.

    I would never personally discipline my child this way. I wasn't disciplined this way and I don't personally see a need for doing it. Having said that...

    It's not like the kid was seriously hurt or anything. It doesn't seem careless, negligent or abusive. It just seems like really old school, bad parenting. There are a lot of parents out there doing a lot worse. Let's be honest... Adrian isn't going to jail or anything like that. This trial will be quickly followed up with a civil suit where he'll settle. It's all about the $$$
    Last edited by call_me_ishmael; 09-13-2014 at 01:17 AM.

  16. #36
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Multiple whacks with a stick to thighs, back and butt of a 4-year old child, some of which caused lacerations and bruises visible a week later. A sucker punch to the face of an adult female knocking her out.

    Investigatory photos of the injuries on the child a week after the fact. Security system video of the punch to the adult.

    The ultimate dispositions of these cases by the NFL will be interesting to compare/contrast.

  17. #37
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by call_me_ishmael View Post
    What is so bad about this?
    What is so bad about this? Let me start a list:

    1. Any discipline to a 4 year old that causes physical injury is excessive. Discipline that causes "scratches" (as you call them) that are still that visible a week later was clearly excessive. Kids heal amazingly fast. Cuts disappear within a few days. If these were truly "scratches" when they occurred, there would have been little to see just a few days later.

    2. This was to a 4 year old child.

    3. The transgression for which the child was punished seems to be the type of act little kids do. Maybe it was wrong, but did the type of punishment fit the crime?

    4. This was to a 4 year old child.

    5. The description of the number and locations of the injuries indicates that the "discipline" went on for quite some time. Again, for pushing another off a bike? What type of punishment would there be for something more serious?

    6. This was to a 4 year old child.

    7. We might debate the merits of a spank or two to the butt with an open hand, prolonged whipping with a stick is less justifiable.

    8. This was to a 4 year old child.

    9. There is some indication that this was just one incident within a pattern of significant physical discipline.

    10. This was a 4 year old child.

  18. #38
    Senior Rat All-Pro oldbutnotdeadyet's Avatar
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    I am not sure
    All of us old timers can remember getting disciplined with garden hoses, belts and small trees but this sort of thing just ain't right (and of course I didn't think it was right at the time). Reports I am reading this morning suggest AP smacked this boy in the nuts, and left several marks on boy's kegs that he 'felt bad about'. His comments and actions suggest he was also beat as a child, but I for one believe this is not the sort of legacy that should be passed to today's children.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
    What is so bad about this? Let me start a list:

    1. Any discipline to a 4 year old that causes physical injury is excessive. Discipline that causes "scratches" (as you call them) that are still that visible a week later was clearly excessive. Kids heal amazingly fast. Cuts disappear within a few days. If these were truly "scratches" when they occurred, there would have been little to see just a few days later.

    2. This was to a 4 year old child.

    3. The transgression for which the child was punished seems to be the type of act little kids do. Maybe it was wrong, but did the type of punishment fit the crime?

    4. This was to a 4 year old child.

    5. The description of the number and locations of the injuries indicates that the "discipline" went on for quite some time. Again, for pushing another off a bike? What type of punishment would there be for something more serious?

    6. This was to a 4 year old child.

    7. We might debate the merits of a spank or two to the butt with an open hand, prolonged whipping with a stick is less justifiable.

    8. This was to a 4 year old child.

    9. There is some indication that this was just one incident within a pattern of significant physical discipline.

    10. This was a 4 year old child.
    Thank you, sir.

    I too received heavy-handed discipline and made the conscious decision to not pass that legacy on to my own kids.

    There are other and better ways. I cannot imagine what my kids could possibly do to make me think "Beating them for a prolonged period with a stick is the appropriate disciplinary option."

  20. #40
    Hands-to-the-face Rat HOFer 3irty1's Avatar
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    That whoopin definitely looks to be of the extra legal variety.

    I'm not saying this isn't a problem but I do believe Adrian's lawyers statement when he said he was using his best judgement as a parent. Meaning I can't imagine him losing his temper or getting drunk or any of the cliches and caning his kid. Somehow it makes sense to me that his standards and tough love are extreme and old school.
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