Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
Its too early in the season for my confidence to be shaken. A season almost never looks like it did last year where the two offseason champs stomp the whole league for 18 weeks then play each other. In recent years its been more common for some team to barely make the playoffs then emerge as a powerhouse in the post season. You don't want the playoffs to be the first time you face adversity. Its like the 2010 packers vs the 2011 packers.

I think this team's best can beat anyone anywhere. They just need to have it figured out in time like the Ravens, Giants, Packers, Steelers, Giants have before.
+1. The 2012 and 2013 versions didn't get it figured out and as a result they got to play the sacrificial lamb role in January. If this team can avoid the injury epidemic for an entire season maybe things turn out differently.