Nah, he's just a fat idiot who is riding the coattails of Favre and Rodgers

In reality, MM has been underappreciated by NFL fans and especially Packer fans for a number of years. Dude is an offensive genius and is normally on the front edge of innovation in the NFL. Recall the "Big 5" package and how MM was one of the first NFL coaches to heavily utilize this package and go to more of a spread offense in general. Yesterday was probably one of his best called games in a while: the use of Cobb in the backfield for the wheel route, the 3rd down play with Cobb and Lacy in the backfield with the fake to Lacy and quick out to Cobb.

He might stick with players or certain playcalling a little too long, but that's because he has conviction in what he is doing. And has been proven right more often than not.