I went to a banquet one time and Donny Anderson spoke. He gave a pretty run of the mill little speech that was kind of boring. After his talk, Danny opened up for questions. A guy got up and asked him if it was true that the vets on the Lombardi Packers were hard on him because he got big money for being a bonus baby. Anderson relaxed, smiled and said "Oh yeah, they were brutal to him and Grabowski". In fact, in one game he broke a long punt return for a TD and hardly anyone congratulated him. The thing that made him one of the boys was a product of Fuzzy Thurston.

In a key game, Anderson got in and the Pack was driving for the winning score. Then, to Anderson's horror, he fumbled turning the ball over. He went back to the bench, dreading the plane ride home. if they didn't congratulate him for a TD, what would they do if he cost the vets a win?

Donny sat on the bench with his head in his hands. miserable. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Fuzzy. "Calm down kid," he said. "You know what's gonna happen? The defense will hold 'em, they'll punt it to us and Bart will drive us back down. & we'll kick a field goal and win the game. Then we'll get on the plane and drink beer all the way back home".

And that's just what happened. Then on the plane ride, Fuzzy told the story of how miserable the rookie was on the sidelines and made a joke of the whole thing. That started the process of Donny being one of the boys.

Anderson spoke to fuzzy about the incident, Fred told him he just felt they had picked on Donny long enough.

That was Fuzzy Thurston. He couldn't stand to see people miserable and he always liked to have a good time.

He was a good dude and 100% Packer.