Quote Originally Posted by Tyrion Lannister View Post
My history with Striker consists of him calling me a troll at every turn and I turning the other cheek and ignoring him, except when I'm bored or the Packers lose. But whatever you say, boss.

As this thread draws to a close, some final words...

Madtown has a nice forum going on here, but if it makes my haters feel any better, the real reason I kept coming back is because I am merely a loser, and yes, living in my parents' basement. We don't see young studs like B4MVP, Ballhawk and Justin Harrell around anymore. Those guys are having coition with hot chicks everyday while I haven't gotten laid since Super Bowl 32, and even in that case, the chick was chubby and drunk due to the bitter end to the Packers' season. Those guys are making large Wampums working on Wall Street while I, despite holding a Master's degree from the Mel Kiper Jr. School of College Football Scouting and Hair Design at the prestigious ESPNU, am flipping burgers for the minimum wage.

The Packers are what's keeping me from ending my wretched existence. When they win, I feel like a winner, like a stud, like Nutz. But lets not be deluded. This team just lost to the hapless Bills. Odds are, the season will end like usually does: A bitter end.

As I write this, I am listening to Coldplay's "Amsterdam"...Stuck on the end of this ball and chain/And I'm on my way back down again/Stood on the edge, tied to the noose...(Don't worry, I have an appointment trm with my psychiatrist, the noted Dr. John Holmes, MD, PhD.)
You just made Mae and my day.

Ohh ........... Suicide isn't a proper response. Get out of the basement. Boot your parents upstairs.

I'd miss your humour. We don't have enough of that around here.

Move on up in the world. You don't need to flip burgers like a boy. Become a Pizza Delivery Man.

Dr. John Holmes. mmmmm .... Something about that name that bothers me. Wasn't he a protagonist on Criminal Minds?


RE: any attitudinal or emotional/mentlal issues. Solve them pronto:

Use 'Ask Jeeves'.