If GB gets to Seattle, there's no real reason we can't win. Seashits have won 12 games, just as we have. That means they've lost 4, incl. one at home. We're a team very much like Dallas. If the Cowgirls can win in Seattle, so can we.

One of the reasons we lost the first game was our game plan. Not challenging Sherman was stupid. If Stubby puts together a reasonable game plan, modeled on the Cowboy's win, we'll come out ahead. That's a mighty big "if," though. Stubby is stubby for a reason.

As far as the defense goes, it's completely different now compared to the 1st game of the season. Here again, Capers has to look at the Dallas win and game plan accordingly.

It may be all academic. I think because Dallas and GB are so much alike, the Cowboys will be our most difficult match up.

Win, lose or draw it's gonna be a fun post season.