Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
actually, no one is trying to deceive you or make apologies for Rodgers. There was poor production from the QB position. The QB rating was low for a reason - 1 TD, 2INTs, less than 200 yards. That's not good. So now that we've (hopefully) dispensed with these straw men, if you'd like I can repeat what I think were the main reasons for poor QB productivity (I won't elaborate - that's all above):

1) The defense
2) The injury
3) ? Nerves, weakness of character, too much Olivia, intestinal gas, other.

1 and 2 should be unarguable. If you want to propose other causes, feel free, but I'm not going to answer unless they have some good argument/evidence behind them. For example, The miss to Jordy on the short end zone pass resulted from a stumble out of his break, possibly due to some PI. I argue it's not Rodger's fault. The miss on the free play to Nelson was due to 1) good coverage by the defense limiting where the ball could be thrown and 2) poor pass due to (2) or (3) above - you tell me. The INT to Adams seemed like bad judgment, but it may have just been a bad throw.

It seems to me what you're looking for is someone to say emotively that Rodgers sucks - or sucked in the game, and to a certain extent, he did. But further, I think you want to blame some mystical, unknowable force from category (3) above. If so, go for it, enjoy, knock yourself out, it's fun!
Fair enough....no i don't think A-rod sucks nor do I want someone to say that he does. He is my favorite player in the NFL to watch on my favorite team. That being said I just don't believe that his injury or the defense caused his inaccuracy and poor performance, they may have been some contributing factors but I saw a lot of plays and throws left on the field. I didn't see a suffocating pass defense in which no one could get open. I saw a good pass defense that was on its heels and an o line that gave an MVP quarterback time to find those holes. He wasn't accurate and he didn't make good decisions. PERIOD.
I guess what I want is for people to stop letting their fandom get in the way of logical criticism. Rodgers is mediocre at best in the playoffs. There i said it. Yeah they are good defenses but guess what? that's who you face in the playoffs. And that's not going to change. I want people to acknowledge that the poor quarterback play is a big part of why we have come up short in the playoffs since the super bowl run. The elephant in the room is that we have a hall of fame quarterback that underperforms in the clutch. He had a great opportunity last week to put his stamp on a game that was begging for him to do it. You can say it was his calf, but I have seen to many other examples of him crumbling in big games, under adverse conditions, to buy that.