Quote Originally Posted by red View Post
why would TT or peppers redo his contract after just the first year of a 3 year deal?

peppers signed the deal with a very cap friendly first year, and took a big paycut to do it, knowing if he played well, he would make his normal wages in 2015 and 2016

he pocketed 8.5 million for last season, he can make 9.5 million next season, and 8 million in 2016

looks to me like a deal set up to play out until he runs out of gas and we cut him
There was talk from the time he signed that contract that it would have to be re-negotiated if the packers kept him past 2014. McGinn had this to say recently about Peppers:

The assumption is that the two sides will restructure the final two years of his contract and he'll return in 2015.
I think the Packers would like to lower his cap number in 2015 because of the big name FA's they need to sign (Cobb/Bulaga/Williams). The guys they will need to sign in 2016 don't carry as high a price tag.