Quote Originally Posted by King Friday View Post
Why? Putting money toward keeping good players is fine. Cobb is a good player...he's young...he's ascending. Thompson should focus on NOT putting money toward mediocre or average players. That is what destroys your cap.

The Packers let Jennings go because he was not young and no longer ascending. Same with Jones. The Packers also had capable PROVEN young talent rising when they let those guys go...like Nelson, Cobb, etc. That is no longer true. Adams looks capable...but I don't think he's proven yet. Everything behind Adams is a complete unknown at this point. I don't care what McCarthy "thinks" about who is going to step up. He doesn't know...neither does anyone else at this point.

There are a lot of FA receivers this year...and none of them are getting locked up yet. I think everyone is waiting for the market to firm up for these guys. The lack of movement is more of a "business" decision than a sign that Green Bay isn't interested in keeping Cobb.
They offered Jennings a nice contract previous to his last season with the Packers. I don't remember the numbers, but they were around 10 mil. He chose to turn that down and play for the opportunity to get more. Then he got injured, had a subpar season, and probably lost money on Green Bay's original offer.

At the time, and soon after he left the Packers, he and his retinue made comments to the effect that Rodgers was holding Jennings back by not feeding him the ball. He acted a bit like a diva at the end and ended up getting overpaid by the Vikings. Turned out that Rodgers can make a big difference for a WR.

I don't get that air from Cobb. I get the sense that he likes playing with Rodgers and sees their relationship as more of a connection than a competition. Rodgers, too, has made comments about how much he enjoys the connection he has with Randall.

And I think they cut Jones to free up a bit more room to work on Bulaga and Cobb.