Quote Originally Posted by King Friday View Post
$9M is a fair deal for Cobb if you consider him to be the best slot WR in the NFL currently...which I think is reasonable to assume. The cap is set to move from $130M to $160M by as soon as next year. That is a 23% increase. If you say that Victor Cruz's deal (counting the cheaper extended year) was worth around $7.5M per year as an elite slot receiver in the league a few years back, then Cobb asking for $9.25M per year is a reasonable request given the 23% increase in the salary cap.

If Thompson believed that, the deal would be done by now. The fact that Cobb has OPENLY STATED he is agreeable to a fair contract value, and yet is not signed, should be concerning to you if you believe Cobb should be resigned. Cobb isn't asking for the moon...so it stands to reason that Thompson is being stingy or just doesn't really want to put more money into the receiver position.
The longer the negotiations take the more the rumors fly. I'm not going to worry about something we have no control over. I suspect they are still talking as we type.