Cobb isn't worth more than 8 mil/year based off talent alone. A very good player, but by no means is he a 1,300 yard 12 td guy on 95% of teams. He needs to realize that Rodgers plays a big factor in the stats he puts up. The Pats, Colts, and Broncos are probably the only other teams I see him being that productive with. TT should have tried to sign him much earlier in the year like he did with Nelson's first contract extension. He waited and now Cobb has most of the leverage...Inflated cap, top two free agent Wrs just got tagged, 24 yo, etc. etc. Only leverage for us is Rodgers and the high probability he would be setup to earn a high third contract.

The question is how much does that factor into his decision? Usually players follow the money and I'm almost positive the packers won't pay him more than Nelson so his limit with us is at the highest 9-10 million per year. I doubt TT even wants to pay him that.