Tarlam! and Kiwon with their posts:

Have set up a valuable debate/discussion that we may benefit from here at PACKERRATS.

How many topics, are more serious to discuss, in concern for OUR future generations welfare than... " the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons " ?

The careless man/woman declares, " but really... what can I do?"...

Don't these, and many other questions beg to be answered in terms of your stance on World Peace and Security now and in the immediate and long term future?

a) Is it arrogance on behalf of Great Nations like America, Great Britain, Russia, Pakistan, Israel etc. to have Nuclear capability and determine that right be restricted by/to a determined by already being capable, inner circle?

b) Do these Great Nations operate under the guise of "the U.N. Security Council", to determine which country's may or may not promote and adopt an internal policy of protecting itself from other Nuclear Powers with it's own Nuclear capability?

c) What exactly does the UN Security Counsil mean to you in terms of lasting world Peace and Security?

d) Which countries should and shouldn't have Nuclear Capability? Why do you feel so?

Weighing in with the tensions in "the Orient", between countries such as..
N. and S. Korea, N.Korea and Japan etc. and after reading the following:

** "The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology 100 percent. It marks a historic event as it greatly encouraged and pleased the KPA (Korean People's Army) and people that have wished to have powerful self-reliant defense capability," KCNA reported.


**"North Korea accused rival South Korea on Monday of committing a serious provocation by firing warning shots during a weekend incident in which the South says soldiers from the communist North crossed over their border.

The border shooting came Saturday. South Korean soldiers rattled off about 40 warning shots after a group of five North Korean troops crossed into the southern side of the no-man's-land separating the divided Korean peninsula, South Korea said.

No one was hurt in the incident"


** "The report of the test came as Japan's new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrived in Seoul for meetings with President Roh Moo-hyun to address the nuclear issue as well as address strains in relations between the two countries over territorial and historical disputes."

e) Upon reading this **. Did it bother you or were you indifferent to how it speaks to you?

There are so many questions we may ask and debate/discuss.