I really don't know why we even bother sometimes. Sports have looked inherently corrupt in the time I've been watching, starting with the Bucks getting straight boned in the 80s against the Celtics. There is a reason that the "marquee" teams (Duke, Lakers, Yankees) always seem to pull wins out of their asses. It's because when the game gets tight, the calls/non-calls become much more favorable for said marquee team. It's been most egregious with the Lakers - don't know if you remember the Portland series where the Lakers "came back" from 16 down. I've already mentioned the absurd Lakers-Kings series. So many times I've seen Duke on the ropes, and somehow, they make it happen. I'd say it's because of revenue, because if I'm an industry, why WOULDN'T I try to increase my revenue? And of course they'll get away with it, because how can you really prove there was malfeasance? You'll always have people defending the integrity of the sport, so no cover-up necessary.

A rabbit hole opened up when Tim Donaghy got caught, but no one went in. And of course David Stern managed to make that go away without any further investigation - Donaghy was considered a lone rogue.

Don't believe me - watch the comedy that will unfold when the Bucks play the Bulls on Saturday.