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Thread: Brady 4 Game Suspension Upheld

  1. #181
    Barbershop Rat HOFer Pugger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesehead Craig View Post
    The judge desperately wants there to be a settlement. However after that last hearing, Brady has the upper hand now with the judge seemingly more on his side. Brady is going to feel emboldened at this point to not admit any guilt and go for the judge to rule in his favor and get his suspension either eliminated or reduced without having to admit a thing.

    I think the NFL is screwed and yet another black eye for Goodell.
    I'm not going to put much weight on any of these leaks until we get a formal ruling by this judge.

  2. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by smuggler View Post
    Why would the judge care about the similarity of an unrelated infraction? Did I miss some comparison the league made?
    The Commish made the case (not sure if in original punishment, appeal declaration or submitted doc to Court) that like a PED suspension, playing with football inflation is an integrity of the sport issue.

    The commenter is agreeing.

    The Judge was unmoved, noting that ANY suspension, PED or Personal Conduct issue, could affect the integrity of the game. Seemed to suggest that you can't move equipment tampering to integrity of game simply by comparing it to a PED issue.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  3. #183
    Here is the section of the transcript, though I do not know where Roger made the PED comparison.

    Chris B. Brown
    Brady/NFL case transcript - Judge Berman clearly getting annoyed. NFL's lawyer followed this with "That's not fair"

    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugger View Post
    I'm not going to put much weight on any of these leaks until we get a formal ruling by this judge.
    There only leaks have been about supposed offers (Brady willing to do a 1 game suspension, NFL refusing to discuss lessening suspension unless Brady accepts Wells Report and culpability in scheme). The rest of the proceedings have all been made public. The Judge REALLY wants a settlement. This goes to Smuggler's point that Federal Courts are supposed to give wide latitude to CBA and arbitrators rulings.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  5. #185
    The courts are sort of screwed if they have to make a ruling. On the one hand, if they side with the league, they look heartless and perhaps in with the billion dollar baby that is the corporate NFL machine. On the other, if they side with Brady it's kind of wrong from a technical standpoint and creates mounds of headaches for courts at every level in the future.

    Thing is, neither Brady nor Goodell have any incentive to really settle at this point. Any relenting from the league (allowing Brady to keep his charade about being ignorant to the whole plot) means all the shit they had to eat in the media was for naught. As for Brady, it's more about his legacy than the four games, so he can't admit to anything in any deal.

    When you look at it, and knowing that mostly only Patriots fans will really be pissed if the courts side with the league, you kind of get a sense where this is headed. And again, Brady still wins by losing, because he gets to point to the vehemence of his defense (and not taking the deal) as proof that he's innocent. Even though everyone knows he was totally in on the whole thing, there's no hard proof.

  6. #186
    I dunno. Press coverage is very anti-deflation science, though now mad at Brady's disappearing phone. Fans outside of Pates fans obviously would love to see then slapped down, but I am not sure its universal. I was on that side, but have shifted over to "its a load of crap".

    The NFL has somehow found a way to repeat the "success" of MLB. Always put yourself in a lose-lose scenario publicly. Never has a League made as many improvements as MLB did over the last 15 years and get exactly ZERO pubic credit.

    I still maintain the NFL can get its suspension and advance stiffer penalties in one fell swoop even if it concedes some ground to Brady here. But they clearly are taking the maximal negotiation strategy, where they don't care if they lose (it will be ignored as precedent) and any win in court is an advantage perhaps not granted specifically in the CBA.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  7. #187
    I'm on the other side. I think the league is damning the process because Brady is crooked and Brady is full of shit. But I definitely agree with your last paragraph.

  8. #188
    Kraft the Younger has spoken about adjusting the Commish's power over certain types of player discipline.

    Jed York then retweeted something that has convinced Peter King and Florio that he might also be behind that idea.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  9. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    Kraft the Younger has spoken about adjusting the Commish's power over certain types of player discipline.

    Jed York then retweeted something that has convinced Peter King and Florio that he might also be behind that idea.
    I don't know how universal the support would be. It has served the teams well in the past to have the commish be the one doling out the punishment. It lets the teams save face with both the public and the players. I suspect they might make minor adjustments.

  10. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by sharpe1027 View Post
    I don't know how universal the support would be. It has served the teams well in the past to have the commish be the one doling out the punishment. It lets the teams save face with both the public and the players. I suspect they might make minor adjustments.
    There is no doubt that teams want the focus off them. And they want punishments to be uniform. But there is no doubt Roger isn't much into uniform and his plan seems to be to emphasize attention, not minimize it.

    I wonder if some of Roger's pushback to hold the line on the Patriots is from Jones and Snyder, who took a big hit on cap penalties.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  11. #191
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    There is no doubt that teams want the focus off them. And they want punishments to be uniform. But there is no doubt Roger isn't much into uniform and his plan seems to be to emphasize attention, not minimize it.

    I wonder if some of Roger's pushback to hold the line on the Patriots is from Jones and Snyder, who took a big hit on cap penalties.
    Could be. I imagine that there are plenty of behind the scenes discussions that we will never know about.

  12. #192
    Back in court today, no settlement happening. Decision coming before the Sept 4th cutoff.

    Judy Battista ‏@judybattista 56m56 minutes ago
    from court: no decision today, no settlement reached, decision could be Tuesday or Wednesday, definitely by Sept. 4.

    Meanwhile, a take similar to my own about Roger's approach to player discipline:

    Stephanie Stradley
    If I were Commissioner Goodell, my clothes wouldn't fit right, that's for sure.

    I think my hypothetical Goodell-Me time machine would have to go back further than the AFC Championship game. To the beginning of the time that Goodell became commissioner. And walking back his desire to make sports leagues into Nancy Gracey justice hammers: very reactive to initial leaks, mob anger, giving lip service to but not really interested in fair process or claims of innocence.

    And go back to focusing more on the NFL's core business, which is football.

    If you don't think that happened in this situation, check out the tone of this Peter King MMQB article after the initial VERY WRONG leaks happened.

    "I am told reliably that...." NOPE!

    By then it was already labelled a -Gate.

    (King has apologized about that story now, and many others ran with stories that were similar, but millions of dollars later, here we are in federal court over a disputed equipment tampering claim).

    The NFL under Roger Goodell has created an expectation of reactive, expensive -Gate investigations of high profile situations. As I predicted, multiple times, this sort of arbitrary, disproportionate response is what all fanbases should fear. Sometimes equipment tampering violations are small team fines, and sometimes they are multimillion-dollar investigations, suspensions, draft pick devastation, I guess.

    Me as Goodell would not hand out suspensions like they were Halloween candy. Player careers are relatively short and can be over in a violent second, even when working out or practicing. Goodell's cavalier and overly-combative attitude towards giving suspensions out shows a fundamental disrespect for how difficult it is to become and stay a NFL player. You know, those best players in the world that the fans pay money to see play.

    When Goodell hands out massive vengeance punishments, he is begging the player to contest them because they have no real choice.

    We know that the NFL punishments are vengeance-based and not deterrent because often the thing punished is something that the NFL never made a big deal about before, and the players, if they knew about it was a big deal, wouldn't do.

    The way Roger Goodell handles league discipline is disrespectful to the players and does not them like adults.

    Maybe this is too harsh of an assessment but Goodell has only given fans the option to judge him by his actions. The words that come out of his mouth are too often incompatible with what the NFL actually does.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  13. #193
    NFL player's careers are short so they should be allowed more leniency. Goodell doesn't hand out punishment in a consistent manner. It's just not fair.

    Let me be clear, Goodell is a moron. However, Brady is full of shit. The evidence is pretty clear that he openly lied about not knowing anything about the incident. It is also pretty clear that he destroyed relevant information and then lied about why he destroyed it.

    We have direct evidence of the ball handlers talking about Brady pressuring them and offering bribes to use a needle, etc.. Brady denied any knowledge. We have direct evidence of Brady destroying the only phone he owned during the most relevant time period, and then using an argument that mirrors the exact phrasing he needs to avoid a serious legal problem. This argument is directly contradicted by the presence of another phone that was not destroyed.

    What would each of us expect if we did something similar to our bosses? I think many of us would be worried about losing our jobs.

    Boo hoo for Tom Brady. It is just not fair!

  14. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by sharpe1027 View Post
    We have direct evidence of the ball handlers talking about Brady pressuring them and offering bribes to use a needle, etc.
    There is no indication that the pressure was about lowering the balls to below 12.5. All the same messages can be read as an insistence on every ball being as close to 12.5 as possible. And the 16.0 comment is easily read as the consequence of getting the target wrong and the refs being blasé about fixing it.

    You have to assume malfeasance to _know_ there was a conspiracy to evade the rule. That's not how evidence works.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  15. #195
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    There is no indication that the pressure was about lowering the balls to below 12.5. All the same messages can be read as an insistence on every ball being as close to 12.5 as possible. And the 16.0 comment is easily read as the consequence of getting the target wrong and the refs being blasé about fixing it.

    You have to assume malfeasance to _know_ there was a conspiracy to evade the rule. That's not how evidence works.
    Not true. The conspiracy usually occurs before any acts are performed.

    Also "no indication" is giving a pretty favorable reading of the text messages. If all they had to do was set the ball to the minimum - per the rules- they could have done that without all the hoopla - or veiled threats (I mean jokes) about going to ESPN. Why the hell would ESPN care about setting ball pressure on the low end of the scale? Please explain how that is "no indication."

  16. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by sharpe1027 View Post
    Not true. The conspiracy usually occurs before any acts are performed.

    Also "no indication" is giving a pretty favorable reading of the text messages. If all they had to do was set the ball to the minimum - per the rules- they could have done that without all the hoopla - or veiled threats (I mean jokes) about going to ESPN. Why the hell would ESPN care about setting ball pressure on the low end of the scale? Please explain how that is "no indication."
    I have joked that I plan to report my employer for Geneva Convention violations for keeping me late for a useless meeting.

    But more likely, Brady is being an asshole to underlings about 12.5. In fact, I find this the most likely scenario, that if they were planning something extra-legal (or even the legal version of this), they were looking to deflate balls that were adjusted by refs above 12.5. However, even with that reading, they have no evidence it actually happened. The physical evidence isn't compelling.

    That is why Commish's appeal ruling letter specified a new cause for the suspension, the lack of cooperation on the cell phone. He broad brushed the Wells Report shortcomings and even went beyond them, stating the evidence there-in was clear and convincing. A level of certainty that even Wells wasn't comfortable with. And that does not begin to deal with the info presented after the decision, before the appeal, which compromised 99% of what Wells was asking for. Roger rejected it as not practical.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  17. #197
    I agree that they probably planned to deflate the balls after the refs inspected them, and that is exactly what they are being accused of doing. It violates the rules which require the referees to inspect the balls. Whether the balls got below 12.5 or not does not matter at that point, they already went outside the rules. They do have evidence, both the camera and the text messages are evidence.

    As for Tom merely being an asshole, why was he offering a big signing day? You are being the reverse of a conspiracy theorist.

    *edited for typo
    Last edited by sharpe1027; 08-31-2015 at 03:38 PM.

  18. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by sharpe1027 View Post
    I agree that they probably planned to deflate the balls after the refs inspected them, and that is exactly what they are being accused of doing. It violates the rules which require the referees to inspect the balls. Whether the balls got below 12.5 or not does not matter at that point, they already went outside the rules. They do have evidence, both the camera and the text messages are evidence.

    As for Tom merely being an asshole, why was he offering a big signing day? You are being the reverse of a conspiracy theorist.

    *edited for typo
    I like evidence for my conspiracies. Just because I believe that the Pats might have been prepared to deflate after inspection, it doesn't seem likely in this case (90 seconds is long enough to deflate, but not long enough to deflate and measure). And there is no physical evidence it occurred. Without that, the punishment for phone shenanigans (which is obviously not paramount or Goodell would have used the info eventually provided by Brady) is ludicrous.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  19. #199
    Stout Rat HOFer Guiness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    I like evidence for my conspiracies. Just because I believe that the Pats might have been prepared to deflate after inspection, it doesn't seem likely in this case (90 seconds is long enough to deflate, but not long enough to deflate and measure). And there is no physical evidence it occurred. Without that, the punishment for phone shenanigans (which is obviously not paramount or Goodell would have used the info eventually provided by Brady) is ludicrous.
    The way things have gone, I wonder how Kraft feels about accepting the punishment of $1M (inconsequential to him, unless it counts against the cap) and the two draft picks?
    Imagine for a moment a world without hypothetical situations...

  20. #200
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    My wife, who hates Tom Brady and the greatest coach in the NFL named Hoody Genius.....has a theory I had not thought of.

    NFL apparently offered Bready one game but Brady insisted on locking down his cell phone texts and Brady said no way

    My wife, the Brady hater, is convinced he's cheating on his hot model wife and cell phone texts would implicate him

    Who knows anymore............hmmmmmmmmmmmm
    LIFE IS ABOUT CHAMPIONSHIPS; I JUST REALIZED THIS. The MILWAUKEE BUCKS have won the same number of championships over the past 50 years as the Green Bay Packers. Ten years from now, who will have more championships, and who will be the fart in the wind ?

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