Here is what Capers spent part of his offseason doing. Streamlining his D calls. I could easily see this as work that M3 encouraged. Its been broached before about having to adapt young players to this defense because of Ted's approach to player personnel versus the Steelers approach and Dick LeBeau's preference for vets.

"Nah," Thomas said, drawing out the word for emphasis. "Dom really simplified everything for us this year. It's really easy for me to come back and pick up where I left off."
The result, according to Hayward, was a significant reduction in the number of missed assignments and mental errors by the defense during training camp. "An all-time low," he said.
The second item on Capers' revision list was always going to be more difficult as it involved the creation and installation of a brand-new defensive language. Gone were the lengthy play calls whose titles featured as many as six or seven words each — plus contingencies, which we will get to later — and in their place would be a system featuring one or two words per play and an accompanying hand signal.

"It takes time to say, 'Eagle Wide Open Me Special Seven,'" Capers said with a smile. "To where now you have a one-word term. Those guys all know the one-word code terms."
Man, I hope they keep the new guy at JSO.