This article makes it seem like Starr is recognizing some things again....

Though Starr's wife of 61 years, Cherry, said her 81-year-old husband doesn't remember specifics of his career and doesn't connect with old clips from his glory days, Starr's trainer, Brian Burns, said Tuesday his most resilient client can now recite a few basic facts he didn't know last month.

"I ask him what his number was, and he says, 'Fifteen,'" Burns said. "I ask him who he played for, and he says, 'Vince Lombardi.' I ask him what position he played, and he says, 'Quarterback.' One time he said, 'Linebacker,' and we got a good laugh over that. But he's made incredible progress. He is really coming back."
When Starr's executive assistant, Leigh Ann Nelson, recently held up a copy of David Maraniss' biography of Lombardi, "When Pride Still Mattered," and asked him to name the man on the cover who he'd failed to identify for more than a year, Starr responded, "That's Coach Lombardi. Why do you ask?
Starr is well before my time but I'm extremely jealous of all those attending the game Thursday. I really hope Starr gets the fairy-tale moment he deserves.