Quote Originally Posted by woodbuck27 View Post
"As ruler of the Meadow ..." Cheesehead Craig

I can hardly wait to analyze it to see why that title is set down in stone as yours. Is the crown made from your kids (grand kids) construction paper?

I hope you'll check in fr. time to time as these punks have 'no real sense in their classless arrogance' to where I'll take them.

Poor 'ill equipped' Scott Cambell lost his mind a few times trying to go head to head with the Ole woodbuck27.

I've spent a lifetime dealing with such 'shit ass's'. I'll back myself up. This is one Maritimes Canuck of REAL substance prepared by life's experience that doesn't back down.

It's as it'll be....get V. shitty.

Dirt Bags...those creeps....fight like well.....'Dirt Bags' or DIRTY.

That's all they know until they run their shit up their own ass's.

As a leader for what's BEST...for the BEST WAY..THE TRUTH

My commission zero ..............the satisfaction..............GLORIOUS !
The original Meadow was set up by mraynryand. You had actually posted the rules (in multiple colors). Essentially it was whomever was able to make another person change their opinion would win. I was the first and only victor, therefore I am the ruler of the Meadow and all it's fuzzy tailed inhabitants. Besides, it says I am in my autosignature as well.

It got moved to the Garbage Can when there was a rather graphic photo of a sexualized nature posted in it.