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Thread: Manning Settled Defamation Suit in 2003

  1. #1

    Manning Settled Defamation Suit in 2003

    Remember the story of Peyton dropping his nut sack on a female trainer while at Tennessee? In my memory, and as the article mentions explicitly, I took the reporting to mean that she worked as something akin to a Team Manager. But she held a Masters Degree and either had or shortly would have a PhD from UT. By the time of the 1996 incident, she was the Director of Health & Wellness for the Men's Athletic Program at UT. She was the head trainer I believe.

    There was a previous complaint between the two in 1994 that Manning's lawyers successfully had sealed. The University settled her complaint after the 1996 incident and as part of that agreement she left the University.

    Manning then wrote a book which contained references to the '96 incident and his less than flattering descriptions of the woman and allegations about her behavior while at Tennessee. He had violated a confidentiality agreement. During the subsequent case it was revealed that Peyton told others she had a potty mouth and was sleeping with students. Specifically, black students he told his Daddy.

    She sued Manning directly this time for defamation and he settled with her after failing to get the case thrown out of court. This time Peyton had to shell out his own cash. Which might help explain some of his commercial choices.

    The Daily News has got a court submission from her side posted with their article. The article is not that impressive. But the document is.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  2. #2
    Prescient Rat HOFer esoxx's Avatar
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    If Karma were real, Peyton Manning would have ALS.


  3. #3
    Guys, Peyton is a class act. As American as apple pie. Tea bagging, PED using, Bud drinking, pizza loving good ol' boy. Thank god he doesn't smile and dance on the field like a punk!

  4. #4
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yetisnowman View Post
    Guys, Peyton is a class act. As American as apple pie. Tea bagging, PED using, Bud drinking, pizza loving good ol' boy. Thank god he doesn't smile and dance on the field like a punk!
    I'm not excusing Manning for anything, but Newton has his legal skeletons too, as do far too many pro athletes in all sports.

  5. #5
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    Oh wow, a young man who had a lot of glory on the football field thought this woman wanted the D. Big whoop. Something was going on where he had his pants off. He dropped his scrotum and rectum in her face. At that point he probably realized he read the situation wrongly and stopped. He was a young man learning how to navigate life with a sex drive that can be confusing in the sense that it overpowers the mind with feelings that seem like reality. Just say no, ladies. If he keeps going, that's where it becomes a problem to me. A guy thinking a girl wants sex until she specifies...... Get over it. That's life. Especially with young men.
    Last edited by RashanGary; 02-13-2016 at 02:29 PM.
    Formerly known as JustinHarrell.

  6. #6
    ^^^^^^ wrong. They had a contentious relationship, with a previous incident years prior. It wasn't Peyton misreading the situation, it was a degrading act. SEXUAL ASSAULT.
    Thanks for weighing in without reading the article though.
    Being a medical professional and having a dude forcibly rub his asshole, cock, and balls on your face is not "life".
    Get a fucking clue.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
    I'm not excusing Manning for anything, but Newton has his legal skeletons too, as do far too many pro athletes in all sports.
    Of course Cam was suspended and forced to leave UF, transfer to juco Brinn college. And has had to combat the "thug" stigma his entire career. Peyton got off scott free and is the white bread class act of the NFL.

  8. #8
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    Favre is white and had dick pics out there. His reputation took a hit. This isn't a racial thing, unless you make it one. You can find whatever you're looking for. If you're looking to find racism it's there. If you're looking to find racial connectedness it's there. You want to be angry and bitter about some injustice. That's what you're going to see. That's what you're going to experience. Just let it go. I'm a poor white man. I get no privileges. I work for my money. I probably always will. I can sit and whine about the rich people taking all of the privilege or I can just be happy where I'm at. My choice. You're a miserable whiner because you choose to be. Stay angry, chump. It's your misery.
    Formerly known as JustinHarrell.

  9. #9
    Yeah god don't you hate when women whine about sexual assault? Your interpretation of the situation is great man. I'm not miserable, just pointing out the obvious double standard. U prefer to deny that, your choice, chump.

  10. #10
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yetisnowman View Post
    Of course Cam was suspended and forced to leave UF, transfer to juco Brinn college. And has had to combat the "thug" stigma his entire career. Peyton got off scott free and is the white bread class act of the NFL.
    Actually, all of the felony charges against Newton were dropped after he completed a diversion program. He later chose to transfer rather than face possible suspension for academic violations. Don't forget that the NCAA bent over backward to maintain Newton's eligibility at Auburn for the National Championship game, when it seemed he should have been suspended over recruiting violations. Then, later, (surprise, surprise) they found violations to have occurred only by a school he didn't go to, not by Auburn (wink, wink).

    But don't get distracted by the facts, just go on pretending that Newton hasn't also benefited from the exulted status we give those who entertain us.

    I have no idea what all went on with Manning, but I would point out that the document attached to the article linked above appears to be a brief filed by the plaintiff, therefore the statements in it are the interpretations of the plaintiff, not fact findings by the court. I wouldn't guess what all went on without at least seeing the arguments from both sides. However, it seems unlikely that it is good for Manning, regardless.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
    Actually, all of the felony charges against Newton were dropped after he completed a diversion program. He later chose to transfer rather than face possible suspension for academic violations. Don't forget that the NCAA bent over backward to maintain Newton's eligibility at Auburn for the National Championship game, when it seemed he should have been suspended over recruiting violations. Then, later, (surprise, surprise) they found violations to have occurred only by a school he didn't go to, not by Auburn (wink, wink).

    But don't get distracted by the facts, just go on pretending that Newton hasn't also benefited from the exulted status we give those who entertain us.

    I have no idea what all went on with Manning, but I would point out that the document attached to the article linked above appears to be a brief filed by the plaintiff, therefore the statements in it are the interpretations of the plaintiff, not fact findings by the court. I wouldn't guess what all went on without at least seeing the arguments from both sides. However, it seems unlikely that it is good for Manning, regardless.
    You are right I was mistaken on the specifics. Those specifics don't negate the fact that Cam faced far more scrutiny for his transgressions. Of course the elite talents are given special treatment. The fact remains that Peyton faced no punishment from the university for his behavior And has maintained a clean image, while Cam hasn't.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by JustinHarrell View Post
    Oh wow, a young man who had a lot of glory on the football field thought this woman wanted the D. Big whoop. Something was going on where he had his pants off. He dropped his scrotum and rectum in her face. At that point he probably realized he read the situation wrongly and stopped. He was a young man learning how to navigate life with a sex drive that can be confusing in the sense that it overpowers the mind with feelings that seem like reality. Just say no, ladies. If he keeps going, that's where it becomes a problem to me. A guy thinking a girl wants sex until she specifies...... Get over it. That's life. Especially with young men.
    You have posted some odd stuff, so this is not the most off the wall stuff you have posted, but its close.

    Beyond the fact that was you describe is an assault (also a pretty odd way for a 21 year old to ask out a 23-25 year old), there is the tiny matter of not having the balls (sack?) to Man up and admit what he did. Instead, he let the trainer concoct a "mooning" excuse and ask her to blame another football player (a black one). When that did not fly (and when a witness failed to back him up), he made up allegations to tarnish her reputation relying on animus toward the black football players to help explain why he didn't like her.

    And as yeti points out, there had been a previous reported incident that his family's lawyer had sealed. So Peyton might read defenses like a book, but he seems slow on the uptake otherwise.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by JustinHarrell View Post
    Favre is white and had dick pics out there. His reputation took a hit. This isn't a racial thing, unless you make it one. You can find whatever you're looking for. If you're looking to find racism it's there. If you're looking to find racial connectedness it's there. You want to be angry and bitter about some injustice. That's what you're going to see. That's what you're going to experience. Just let it go. I'm a poor white man. I get no privileges. I work for my money. I probably always will. I can sit and whine about the rich people taking all of the privilege or I can just be happy where I'm at. My choice. You're a miserable whiner because you choose to be. Stay angry, chump. It's your misery.
    He told his Daddy that she was sleeping around with black players on the team (zero evidence we are aware of). Also that she was ugly, but had big tits. And had a potty mouth (another charge that suffered under scrutiny). I don't think its yeti trying to find a racial angle here. Peyton was leveraging it to trash her reputation.

    Also, how does Favre's case, one with no tie to racial animus that I am aware of, shed any light on the entirely different nature of Manning's conduct?
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  14. #14
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yetisnowman View Post
    Being a medical professional and having a dude forcibly rub his asshole, cock, and balls on your face is not "life".
    You've never worked at a county hospital, I see.
    "Never, never ever support a punk like mraynrand. Rather be as I am and feel real sympathy for his sickness." - Woodbuck

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    You've never worked at a county hospital, I see.
    At the County Hospital they will commit that guy to the 4th floor for a couple of days.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  16. #16
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yetisnowman View Post
    Of course Cam was suspended and forced to leave UF, transfer to juco Brinn college. And has had to combat the "thug" stigma his entire career. Peyton got off scott free and is the white bread class act of the NFL.
    I admit I don't follow college football terribly close, but this is the first I heard Cam had any problems. Manning too. But when I was a student athlete tutor in college I heard and saw all kinds of nasty crap, and it wasn't racially or even gender 'excused' - it was generally excused or hidden for the star players and the minor players got the book thrown at them and expelled..
    "Never, never ever support a punk like mraynrand. Rather be as I am and feel real sympathy for his sickness." - Woodbuck

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    I admit I don't follow college football terribly close, but this is the first I heard Cam had any problems. Manning too. But when I was a student athlete tutor in college I heard and saw all kinds of nasty crap, and it wasn't racially or even gender 'excused' - it was generally excused or hidden for the star players and the minor players got the book thrown at them and expelled..
    Its absolutely a service provided to star players. The trainer was trying to get one of the lesser players to take the blame. That University and the Governor would have fired the Board of Regents in order to keep Manning.

    I just find Manning's deflections particularly awful. And the use of bigoted slurs to tarnish her reputation is particularly despicable. Though possibly still quite prevalent in his home state.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  18. #18

  19. #19
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    I admit I don't follow college football terribly close, but this is the first I heard Cam had any problems. Manning too. But when I was a student athlete tutor in college I heard and saw all kinds of nasty crap, and it wasn't racially or even gender 'excused' - it was generally excused or hidden for the star players and the minor players got the book thrown at them and expelled..
    Yup, and when Newton got in trouble, he was the backup QB, not the starter.

  20. #20
    Dennis and Callahan ‏@DandCShow 3h3 hours ago
    I was just told by a current ESPN anchor that all ESPN employees were told not to report or discuss the Daily News story on Peyton Manning.

    Much of what is in the document has previously been discussed. But this seems a piece with coverage so far. Its not being picked up in a lot of places.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

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